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  • Dedicated to Dylan O'Brien fans

I kept on hearing Cassidy's voice but I couldn't make anything out of it, I wasn't really interested on what she was saying because it's always things about parties or boys, the boys in the football team.

"May I borrow your english notes?" I nicely asked.

She stopped talking and looked at me a bit mad, she knew I didn't hear a word she said, she let out a sigh.

"Sure, but next time you hear my story, otherwise I won't lend you my notes" she said glancing at me.

I smiled, her stories weren't that interesting but I was her friend, I had to be a good friend and hear her out, at least to give some advice.

"Alright" I nodded.

The bell rang and all our classmates went out of the classroom, we walked towards our lockers and Cassidy put her books inside hers, suddenly a loud noise startled us. I looked over where the sound came from.

There were a few people around and two boys, one taller than me and I was 5'5'' and the other one a lot smaller, he seemed like junior. The tallest had the smallest by the throat against the lockers, probably that's where the sound came from, when his body was pushed at the lockers. They were definetly fighting.

"Should I repeat myself?" the tallest boy said.

"I don't know Dylan I swear" the other boy said.

The smallest one seemed in pain, scared and about to piss his pants. I looked over at Cassidy and she had a scared face, everyone was just watching the scene without doing anything.

"So listen, you either tell me now and we avoid all this little scene or you don't and we see what happens after class" the brown haired guy said.

"I'm not lying Dylan, I swear I don't know" the skinny boy said.

The tallest boy let the smallest go, he turned around but then quickly turned back at the small boy.

"Don't try to run Johnnie, I know where to find you" he said walking away.

Everyone walked away and kept on doing their own stuff, Cassidy looked at me exalted, apparently that boy wanted something from the other one.

"What a creep, always bullying everyone" Cassidy said rolling her eyes.

"Do you know him?" I asked.

"He's on our english class Aria" Cassidy said, impressed I didn't know. "He never goes anyway so, I'm glad he's not our classmate" she let out a sigh.

"O'Brien... right?" I said looking at the other kid who was still in pain.

"How do you— Nevermind, yes that's him" she answered, confused.

"We used to be classmates back in middle school" I moved my head from one side to another.

"Really? I don't recall having him as a classmate" she said wondering.

"That's because he was a lot different back then" I said pressing my lips.

"I doubt he was any different, he's a creep" she said walking away. "Anyway, we're late for class, are you coming?" she said as I walked next to her.

I remember him being a lot diferent back then, I'm sure of it. He used to be funny and sarcastic, he was the clown in every class, I never talked to him but I remember him perfectly because he always made everyone laugh no matter who was. I can't believe that kid is now this boy who bullies everyone, I can't believe the one who made everyone laugh now makes everyone cry, it just doesn't seem right.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now