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The next day I got up and jumped towards the closet.

"What am I going to wear for the concert?" I thought nervous.

I went through some clothes without finding anything proper to wear, we were going to a party afterwards so I needed something that fit both ocasions.

Suddenly I took a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose tank top, as for shoes I took a pair of flat creepers.

"This should do it" I said when my door opened.

"Sweetie?" my mom said.

"Mom hey goodmorning" I said with a smile.

"Hey I need to ask you a favor" she said I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I knew my mom never asked for easy favors.

"Your brother is coming to visit, I need you to pick him up at 18:30" she finally said.

"Mom I have a concert with David at 19:00" I said with a sigh.

"Im sorry sweetie, I can't go pick him up and he has lots of stuff with him, please?" she said.

I couldn't say no to that so I nodded.

"Okay fine" I said she smiled.

I went on internet and watched some tv, I told David to come at 18:00 so we would go together to pick my brother up and then go to the concert.

As soon as he got there we both went into the car and drove towards the bus station.

"You never told me you had a brother" David said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, he moved to NY a year ago, we don't see him much" I said.

"So he's older" he said.

"Yeah, he's 19" I said parking on the bus station.

"Are you happy you'll see him?" David asked intrigued.

"Meh, I don't really care" I said looking away.

We heard the back door opening and someone entering, leaving his bag next to him.

"Sis! How's it going?" he said with joy.

"Good" I said with a smile.

"Hey" David said.

"Beau" my brother said shaking David's hand.

"David" he said shaking it back.

"I'll drop you at home and then we leave" I said.

"Are you two going somewhere?" Beau cheekily said.

"A concert" David said "It's your sisters favorite band" he said excited.

"Favorite... band huh?" Beau said.

"I don't think mom will be happy for me taking the car but tell her it'll be okay" I said.

"Okay" Beau said.

"So-" David began to say but Beau interrupted him.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, that's new!" he said.

"We're not-"

"He's not-"

"We're not together" we both said at the same time.

"Oh... doesn't surprise me then... when are you getting a boyfriend Aria?" Beau said.

"Shut up" I said annoyed.

We got to my house and we dropped Beau, he waved goodbye and told us to take care. We drove towards the place where the concert was.

"Here Aria, we're entering this way" David said taking me by the arm as we both went backstage.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now