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"We should get back, you wanna go first or I should go first?" I asked Dylan who looked at me confused.

"What?" He asked.

"You know, so no one will see us leaving a room together and get the wrong picture" I said with a chuckle.

"Right" he said nodding "You go first" he smiled.

"Alright" I said leaving the room.

I went back to where Cass and Eric were and Cass looked at me upset.

"Why did you take so long?" Cass asked.

"I bumped into Jayden on the way..." I said.

"Jayden? The're here?!" Eric asked impressed.

"Yeah" I reluctantly said.

"Still trying to get in your pants?" Cass asked sarcastically laughing.

"Kinda" I laughed with her.

"Is Chris here?" Eric asked excited.

"Yeah he's-"

"Oh my God, did he already go out of the closet?" he asked.

"Sort of, he said he's bisexual for the fangirls, he can't afford to say he's gay even if he was" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"True, anyway, I'll see you later girls" Eric said on his way to find Chris, another member of Love Color.

"Hey ladies, you wanna dance a bit?" a random guy said to Cass, trying to flirt.

He was cute so Cass glanced at me and I nodded.

"You two dance I'll go grab another coke" I said leaving them both alone to dance.

I saw David on the way outside the house and he had a cup on his right hand.

"Ariaaa da guys hav' beer donnyu want somofit?" he said a bit drunk.

"Er... Im driving David, no thanks" I said concerned he was that drunk.

"Ow c'mon, yushouldn drive next dime then" he said raising the cup of beer.

"Sure" I said leaving him alone.

I walked outside the house, checking the time at my phone.

"I wasn't so mistaken about you" someone behind me said.

"Is that so?" I said noticing it was Dylan.

"You left your friend with a guy, your boyfriend's drunk and your other friend is trying to score, no wonder you're bored..." he said.

"Im not bored, what are you talking about" I said trying to sound like I was enjoying the party.

"Are you stalking me?" I said with a chuckle.

"Im just a good observer" he cheekily said.

"You're totally stalking me" I laughed out loud.

"I mean I suspected you weren't a girl who partied too much, but now I know for sure" he chuckled.

"Are you saying Im a boring person?" I said annoying.

"I never said that, I just know maybe you just enjoy doing other stuff" he said crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on a pillar by the entrance of the house.

"Right" I said looking away.

"Anyway you should leave soon, the cops are about to get here" he said looking around.

"What? How do you know? Really?" I asked laughing.

"Trust me I saw the neighbours calling already, they'll be here in about two minutes now" he said.

"Yeah rigth-" I said when a loud police siren scared everyone.

"Shit, David!" I yelled rushing back inside.

"Ariaaa" he said when I grabbed him by the arm.

"C'mon David, the cops are here" I said as I ran outside the house, losing him among the rest of the people running outside.

I looked around failing to see him.

"Shit" I said leaving to my car, and turning it on.

I quickly drove away of the house when I saw Dylan jogging.

"Dylan!" I yelled lowering the glass.

"Oh hey-"

"Get in now" I yelled as he quickly got inside the car.

I drove as far as I could from the madness, Dylan laughing from the people running away from the cops.

"Where's your boyfrie-" he was about to finish when I glanced at him.

"Seriously Dylan, I've told you he's not-"

"Your boyfriend I know, you're not oficially together, but you're still dating" he sarcastically said.

"Well I-"

"You can't deny it" he laughed.

"Okay you're right" I said a bit mad.

"Why aren't you two oficially together though, you like him, he likes you" he said turning serious.

"I... I enjoy haging out with David and he's such a gentleman but... sometimes I just..."

"You're not a hundred percent into him are you?" he finally asked.

"What? I uh... yeah" I nodded, nervous.

"Go on" he said with a smile.

"Well... sometimes I feel like it's forced, you know what I mean?" I asked looking at him.

"No I don't" he chuckled.

"You know, when two people fall in love and crap, it kinda just happens without you even seeing it coming, like it just happens out of nowhere" I said parking outside Dylan's house.

"Oh got it" he said staring at me.

"I like things when they just happen, without any of the sides trying to make something happen" I said he was still staring at me.

"Yeah..." he said as we both went silent.

I began to feel really nervous, my hands were sweaty as he was staring into my soul, I cut out the tension.

"Anyway, thanks for the talk" I said with a smile.

"Why thank you for the ride" he cheekily said opening the car door.

"No worries" I nervously said, blushing.

"Oh" he said before actually closing the car door "Can I have your number so you can text me when you get home?" he said.

"S-sure" I nervously said exchanging numbers.

He closed the car door and went inside his house. I quickly drove back home.

I jumped on my bed looking at the roof, it was 2:30 in the morning and something really strange happened tonight.

I actually looked at Dylan differently.

The thought of his lips crossed my mind.

The thought of... liking him.

No Aria, Cass and Eric weren't right, that's not it, Dylan was being super nice tonight that's all. But he's not usually like that, don't forget it.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now