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The clock went off at 7:00am making me put my hand on it to turn it off. I yawned.

"Why aren't weekends longer" I mumbled.

"Aria get up, you're gonna be late if you fall asleep" my mom yelled from downstairs.

She always got up at 6:00 in the morning because she was just like that, she had to be at work at 9 so I never understood why she gets up so early everyday.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, dressing up and fixing my hair on a ponytail. I took my bag and walked downstairs, the breakfast was served.

"Aria, you'll be late, you already missed the bus" my mom said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled checking the time '8:07' said on the phone screen "Man it's only been seven minutes! Now I'll be really really late!" I yelled running out towards school.

School was about 15 blocks away from my house, I could walk to school everyday but I liked sleeping a little bit more so I prefer taking the bus.

I finally got to school, heavily breathing because of the run, I was running late already so I quickly walked to my class, on the way I stumbled across someone who was also running late apparently.

"I'm so sorry" he said while I slipped falling on my butt.

"Don't worry" I reluctantly said followed by a sigh.

"Let me help you" he said offering me his hand.

"Thanks" I gently said getting up.

"I'm so sorry" he insisted, helping me with my books which I had in my hands for the class.

"It's okay" I repeated, looking at him.

"Oh..." he said checking my books.

I stared at him for a bit, his skin looked so soft, almost like baby skin and considering our age that's almost impossible. His eyes had a honey kinda color, not yellow but not brown either just right in the middle, light brown hair a bit curly too and he was taller than me but he looked younger because of his baby face.

He then glanced at me.

"I haven't seen you around, are you new?" I asked wondering.

"Yeah I just transfered" he smiled.

"Oh..." I nodded.

"We're classmates" he suddenly said with a giggle.

"What?" I asked confused.

"These books, we're running late for the same class" he laughed.

He's actually really cute, wait did he just say he's my classmate? I thought smiling back.

"We should get going then" I said quickly walking past him.

"Sure uhm..." he said noticing I didn't tell him my name.

"Aria" I said while he walked behind me.

"David" he answered.

As soon as we got to our class we had to wait a bit before entering because since we were late our teacher made us wait until she finished the explanation.

I sat with him next to Cass, she looked at David.

"Who's this?" she said checking him out.

"Uh... he's new, he just transfered"

"David" he said smiling.

"David who?" she asked but the teacher yelled at us.

"Silence you guys" she said as we nodded.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now