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(Note: updated from phone)
We entered the cafeteria and a bunch of people were around two other guys who were fighting and yelling.
"Pretty sure I know who those two might be" David said as we both ran to the circle.
Dylan was laying on the floor with his mouth bleeding. He seemed pissed.
"Stay down, where you belong" the other guy said.
He surely didn't look like he was from the school. I've never seen him before.
"Aria thank God you're okay" Cass said from behind me.
"Me? Of course Im oka-" I said when the guy who didn't seem familiar glanced at me with interest.
"You're Aria?" He asked getting closer.
"Leave Joshua" Dylan murmured cleaning the blood from his fists and getting up.
"You're ready for more?" The guy who Dylan called Joshua said, turning around to face him.
"Im confused" I finally said while they both badmouthed each other.
"For some weird reason this guy came in demanding to see Dylan, he wasn't around so someone from his group of friends said he might be with you" Cass explained.
"But you knew she was with me" David said worried.

"But she's done school stuff with Dylan maybe they were hanging out or something after she was with you, I wasn't sure she was still with you" Cass said with concern.

"So you thought something happened to me?" I asked, still confused.

"The guy asked someone else to find Dylan, he looked pissed and ready to fight so yeah if you were to be with Dylan something might have happened to you" she said looking around.

"Anyway, lets go" I said upset sitting on a table to eat.

The show was over a few minutes later, Dylan got up and walked out the cafeteria without saying a word. I glanced at him and David noticed.

"Go see him if you're worried, you're friends now right?" He said I shook my head.

"Not really friends but I know him now, I can't just sit and watch someone I know get beaten" I said irritated.

"Go check if he's okay then... that looked like it hurt" he said with a faked smile.

Cass looked at me annoyed so I shook my head again.

"It's okay it's not like the first time he gets into a fight anyway" I said smiling.

After lunch we all went to class, I still had issues to think about something else but I kept on worrying about Dylan and who that guy was and why he looked interested in me. I don't have a huge ego or anything but that guy really stalked me with his sight.

After class I went to the gym to pick my gym clothes and I overheard Dylan heavily breathing and using a punching bag.

"Get out" he said concentrated.

"No" I said sitting on a bench close by.

"I said out!" He yelled pushing me to the wall squeezing my throat.

Even when he was trying to scare me he wasn't squeezing with enough strength, I could still breathe well. He let go after a few seconds.

"Leave" he insisted taking his hoodie and entering the showers.

After a few minutes he went out fully clothed and his hair soaking wet. he glanced at me, I was still in the bench.

"You still here?" He sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, who was that guy?" I asked intrigued.

"The less you know the better" he said walking towards the exit.

"Hey you gotta walk me home, it's too late for me to walk alone" I said, the sun was already setting.

"Seriously? You can't just take the bus?" He asked I looked at him with puppy eyes, he let out a strong sigh.

"Fine" he said as I joined his side.

"Okay you won't tell me what's going on here so let me see if I guess" I said as we were walking.

"Fine" he reluctantly said "But one condition, I won't tell you if you guessed right" he said with a smirk.

"Okay" I said nodding.

I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"That guy wasn't from school, I'd say he's older too, about 22 or 23, he's better than you at something, probably fighting and that frustrates you, he is a douche no doubt, you were pissed and he mocked you, he wants to prove he's better, I still haven't figured out the reason but that makes your blood boil..." I said he laughed.

"This is your house?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks for the walk" I said walking towards the front door.

"You wanted to see if I was going to tell you anything..." he said.

"I didn't need to, just by seeing your expression when I spoke was enough, have a good night Dylan" I said entering my place.

There has to be a deeper reason why that guy embarrassed Dylan in front of the whole school and also, why he looked at me that way. There's always a deeper reason.

Next morning I was chilling by the roof with David, he made lunch so we were sharing it.

"Tomorrow's the concert are you excited?" David asked with a smile.

"Yeah I am" I said smiling back.
"That's good I actually spoke-"

He said when suddenly I saw Dylan opening the door that lead to the roof.
He looked at us and walked back downstairs, I looked at David.

"Sorry would you wait me a sec? I'll be right back" I said walking behind Dylan.

"Your food is going to get cold" he said when I finally caught up.

"Are you okay?" I asked noticing a bruise on his mouth.

"I thought the roof was only for nerds" he joked.

"Same to you, what were you d-"

"I think now is a hangout for couples" he said looking at me with a smirk.

"I said he's not my b-"

"I'll see you around Aria"

"Wait" I said, he looked back at me.

"Uhm?" He said intrigued.

"You're so bipolar" I finally said crossing my arms over my chest.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You're a nice guy Dylan but when you're fighting or upset all you think is anger and you go crazy and you can't control yourself, but when you're controlled you're a whole different... like right now" I said he looked at me impressed.

"Okay, I'll write that down on my notebook for irrelevant things I don't care" he said laughing and walking away.

"I never said you would care, I was just pointing out my opinion" I said he kept on walking until he dissapeared.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now