Messing around

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Beau left and Cass let out a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Cass said a bit annoyed.

"He doesn't need to know, he won't bother me no more" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"How are you certain of that?" I chuckled.

"He thinks I have a boyfriend" Cass looked confused.

"A boyfriend? Who? David? But you're going to stay just friends?" she said even more confused.

"He thinks Dylan's my boyfriend" I said without thinking, then immediately covered my mouth with my hand.

"Dylan?!" she yelled noticing my awkwardness.

"Dylan? I meant-"

"Dylan?!" she repeated "THAT Dylan?!" she said exalted.

"Y-Yeah..." I looked down.

"Now you're going to explain to me why the hell does he think Dylan is your boyfriend?" she said upset.

"It's not- It doesn't matter" I said she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"No no, you're spilling all out, now!" she said poking the table.

"Fine but don't say anything alright?" I said she nodded "Jayden was bothering me and Dylan came out of nowhere and told him to stop flirting with his girlfriend, followed for a big glance of tension, Jayden didn't want to pick a fight so he left, and trust me Cass he looked scared" I smiled.

"Why would- Don't tell me he likes you?" she asked.

"What? N-No what are you talking about?" I asked nervous.

"You blushed, wait... do you like him?" she asked looking straight at me.

"I don't" I said avoiding eye contact "and He doesnt like me either stop saying nonsense" I let out a sigh.

"Then why would he do that Aria? Why would he..." she said not finishing the sentence "Oh wait, I remember you telling me when he protected Kim back then" she said thinking.

"Right" I said nodding.

"So he protects woman from harrasment or any danger for that matter..." she said still thinking.

"He probably has a sister" I said she nodded.

"Most likely" she smiled "Well Im glad he was there and that Jayden saw that, you'll have to invite him to the concerts now" Cass said.

"Yeah- wait what? No, Im just going to hang as usual just at the concert and that is, remember thanks to my brother Jayden told me none of them could ever invite me to backstage?" I said with a sigh.

"Right, that's why Davids backstage passes were brilliant" she laughed.

"But I know now that not even that I can do, Jayden is consuming that band..." I said looking away.

"True" she said.

"Anyway lets finish this quick-" suddendly my phone rang, it was a text message.

{Whats up?} 17:45 ·· O'Brien.-

A huge smile appeared on my face, Cass looked at me but tried to ignore that smile and went back to homework

{Nm, homework and u?}

{Just lying in bed... hey you wanna grab some pizza later?} 17:48 ·· O'Brien.-

My heart skipped a beat, I glanced at Cass and she was trying hard not to ask me who was it, I typed...

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now