Good enough

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{Note: Im in holidays, but I do have wifi where Im staying, so I'll try to update as often as I can!}

His phone rang and he quickly went to the room next to the dining room and answered. I didnt want to peek on his conversation but for the look he had it was someone important. He stayed there for a few minutes until he went out and looked at me with a serious look.

"Ready to go home?" he said I looked at him confused.

"Um... actually-"

"I'll drive you home, I'll give you your clothes tomorrow at school" he said comanding me to leave his place.

I nodded and walked outside with him, towards his car.

I didn't know Dylan owned a car, from what it looked like at the party I thought he didn't have a car at all.

"Is this your car?" I asked he shook his head.

"Its my cousins" he said.

"Nina?" I asked he chuckled.

"Yeah, I did her a favor so she had to lend me her car" he smiled.

I didnt ask anything at all on the rest of the way until he parked outside my house.


"Dont walk by yourself alright? Take the bus with Cass" he said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Its not too safe considering the time and the weather"

"Its not the first time I walk home you know-"

"Dont do it!" he yelled upset.

"Sheesh relax Dylan, I wont" I said a bit scared.

"Okay, goodnight" he said looking to the front.

"Uh, goodnight" I said confused leaning in for a hug but he didn't even move, he stood there with his arms on the handle.

I ignored it and left his car walking to my house.

"Did you KISS HIM???" Cass yelled over the phone.

"No" I reluctantly said.


"Because Cass, there's something off here, he has like a deep secret, he said after his dad passed away he kept on doing what his dad used to, what the hell this guy... there are like a million things I dont know about him but..."

"You like him I get it" she interrupted.

"I... I dont know I have this urge to help him, to be there for him"

"You're growing on him Aria"

"For sure"

I hung up and rested my back on my bed, looking at the celinig many questions were bumping in my head.

"What happened to his bestfriend?"

"What is the thing his dad used to do and now he does?"

"Why did his cousin come to tell me that?"

"Who was on the phone?"

I fell asleep on the bed, with my clothes on and woke up at 8 in the morning, I was late for school so I just changed clothes and rushed to class.

My teacher didnt let me in because I was way too late, so I waited outside.

I looked around to see if Dylan was around but he was nowhere to be seen. I let out a sigh.

"Running late huh?" David said walking towards the classroom.

"Yeah" I reluctantly said, nodding.

"Did you catch a cold because of yesterday?" he asked looking at me.

"No, I made it in time" I said looking at him. He had an awful bruise under his eye.

"Cool" he said smiling.

""Hmph" I murmured.

I wasn't feeling comfortable around David, not after all that happened, he literally told me to fuck off when he told me the world didnt turn around me, I know that, theres no need to be rude.

We both remained silent for a long while. The bell rang for a break.

"See you around" he said walking through the halls.

"You skipped class" Cass said joining me while we walked through the hall aswell.

"Not that I wanted to" I said with a smirk.

"Okay now, I've been gathering information-"

"What? For real?" I said suddenly stopping.

"Y-yeah" she said looking back at me.

"Cass you're amazing I cannot thank you enough for all this-"

"You're my bestfriend Aria" Cass said hugging me.

"I know!" I said hugging her tighter.

"Anyway, here's what I found" she said as we both sat on a bench by the yard.

"Okay Im all ears" I said excited.

"Dylan has always been a quiet guy, he's known for 'bullying' others but its not exactly bullying because he just gets into fights that have something that triggers the fight"

"Like a reason behind it?"

"Exactly, he doesnt bully people just because"

"I do it because I have to" where words that appeared on my mind.

"So... what else?" I asked wondering.

"He indeed has this girlfriend that keeps showing around but they barely kiss or hold hands, everyone knows its his girlfriend but that's all"

"Okay...?" I said confused.

"About the bestfriend, no one actually knows her or knows who she is, the people from school he hangs out with are the only crew they know he has as friends and the girlfriend of course"

"So no bestfriend at school"

"No bestfriend at school"

"So she must be a childhood bestfriend or something, because his cousin knew her" I said.

"Probably, we need info from him though, it will make everything clearer, for us and for you" she said concerned.

"He wont tell me a thing"

"He wont tell US a thing but you... you Aria are special, if he doesnt have feelings for you he does care about you and you both still are close, I dont know if I can call it friendship but its something different from him and others, trust me" she said I nodded.

"Okay you got a point there but still... I dont want to stick my nose into his problems, his personal problems" I said with a sigh.

"I know but... you want to help him right? You want to be there for him? You like him and not only as a friend?" she finally asked I stood there in silence.

"I..." I said taking a deep breath "I do" I said.

"Then lets ge to know this guy, if he's good enough then I'll be really happy, if he's not then I'll kick his ass myself, no guy can be messing around with my girl" she said hugging me from the side.

"Thanks Cass, really" I said smiling.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now