Explosive Reactions (Wanda)

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Being Iron Man's daughter was supposed to be this super amazing thing. Everyone dreamed of being family to him for all of it riches and relations.

But you would know that it has it's downfalls, even if you were rich. For example, you just happened to be on the same truck that Tony was kidnapped from. He had only brought you because you begged to go with.

You weren't supposed to be on that truck, but you were. When he was kidnapped, so were you. When he got shrapnel to the heart, so did you.

When he became the Iron Man, they named you the Iron Daughter. It wasn't the best name, but it wasn't horrible either.

You tried to fight with him, but he kept you from doing it as much as possible. He didn't want you getting hurt.

In fact, he sent you all the way across the world to keep you from fighting the New York battle. And it worked, you got there as soon as they were taking Loki in.

But he couldn't keep you from helping with Ultron came. You were part of the reason Wanda and Pietro joined. Actually, you were also the reason Pietro was still alive.

You and Wanda became close rather quickly. Besides Pietro, you were the only one she trusted before she finally allowed herself to trust the rest of the team.

You had opened up to her plenty of times and she did to you. You were in a happy relationship with her and it changed both of you for the better.

You and Wanda were at the mall together for window shopping. Her birthday was coming up and you wanted to shop for her. It would have been surprise gifts if she liked them, but she wasn't very keen on it. She would have rather spent time with you like this.

Then there was the fact of her not liking having money spent on her. But that's where she didn't haven much of a choice. You loved spoiling her with gifts so she endured because it made you happy.

A downside to being a superhero and the daughter of one: bad guys. Randomly running into trouble was in the requirement section.

As you walked with her, hand in hand, you smiled and laughed happily. You didn't have much time to spend with her because of the responsibilities you had to Stark Industries. It didn't seem like you'd have much of that now, either.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom and then a crash. The ground seemed to shake and people started screaming. You and Wanda were no different.

Your ears rang, the sound was so loud. Your breath sped up and your vision was blurry. You did everything you could to see straight and evaluate the situation, to breathe.

But you couldn't. Your heart rate picked up and you went to grab Wanda, but she had stumbled as well.

You looked at her and she was gasping for breath, her hands covering her head as she tried to shield herself.

You stooped down and wrapped your arms around her. ARIA (A Really Intelligent Assistant), your version of JARVIS, spoke, "Ms. Stark, there's a bomb in the western wing."

"I kind of got that, ARIA," you gasped, an arm on Wanda's shoulders.

"Are you alright?" You asked, trying to focus your vision on her.

Another thing you also had in common with your dad? You had PTSD. Except, yours was from the explosion that caused the shrapnel.

You also knew Wanda was suffering from it. Hers was from the explosions in her town when her parents died.

She shook her head, "I can't, I can't..."

She grabbed onto your arm from dear life. "Hey, look at me," you tried, but your own stress was starting to get to you.

"Ms. Stark, might I suggest the suit?"

"Not now, ARIA."

Another bomb went off, this one was closer to you and Wanda. She screamed and you closed your eyes shut, you didn't want to open them. You were scared someone would be there trying to take you again.

You clutched onto Wanda as well. You took in a shallow breath and spoke, "Hey, you're strong. You can do this. Look at me."

She looked up at you through tears. "You're strong," you said, "Even before you got these powers, you were strong. You can get through th-"

Another explosion.

You stopped in the middle of your sentence, your legs stopped supporting you and you curled on the flower. Wanda covered you, defending you from the explosions.

"Activating the suit," ARIA said. The suit came out of your arc reactor, forming over your body to protect you.

The shield came over your face and ARIA started reporting your stress to you. It didn't help you as you tried to calm yourself, it wasn't working.

Wanda tapped on your mask and it came down again so she could see your face. "Look at me," she told you gently.

You opened your eyes and saw her standing over you, her hand held out to you. "Come on, we can do this."

You hesitantly grabbed her hand and she helped you stand up, the machinery whirring as you moved. ARIA gave you a small breathing exercise to help and you looked at Wanda.

"Come on. The team isn't here yet, we need to get the civilians to safety."

You nodded and grabbed her hand again. Your shield came over your face and you used your thrusters to get yourself in the air and take care of the explosives.

"ARIA, trace the signatures in the bombs," you instructed.

"Right away, ma'am."

The targets pointed out the remaining bombs and their timers and you swooped down to move people close to the one about to blow. When they were out of the way, you grabbed it and shot into the air. You threw it up at a safe distance and shot at it. It exploded and you flinched away slightly.

You went down to the others, gathering them and destroying them safely. You went back to Wanda to make sure she was alright. When you got to her, she was making sure none of the debris from the explosion harmed any of the people.

You grabbed what she was holding with her magic and let everyone get out before setting it back down. "ARIA, scan for civilians."

"All civilians have left the building, ma'am."

"Contact the team."

"They're already on their way."

You sighed and looked back at Wanda, your shield going back so you could see her better. You moved your head around so that it wasn't so stiff. She put a hand on your cheek and sighed, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," you said, grabbing her hand.

She stepped forward and kissed you, "Thank you for helping me."

"Thank you for helping me," you sighed with a chuckle.

Soon, the team finally got to the building, with the exception of the Hulk, obviously. Natasha and Steve caught the bombers and took them in.

Tony came to you, "Are you alright, what happened?"

You nodded, "I'm okay. The bombs just went off and I got a little out of sorts. But I'm fine now. You can thank Wanda for that."

He looked at her and said, "Good work, kid."

You lifted a brow, "Really, Dad?"

"Thanks, Wanda," he told her sincerely, "You did good."

You rolled your eyes with a chuckle and went back to her. You hugged her tightly, the suit was already gone, so the hug was nice and cozy.

"Thank you," you whispered.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now