Couldn't Wait, Huh? (Nat/Wanda)*

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Warnings: Lesbian smut, dub!con, slight? somnophilia, threesome, oral giving and receiving, masturbation, fingering, face riding, praise kink, teasing, dirty talk, slight degradation, switch!Wanda, dom!Natasha, switch!Reader.


You were all coming back from a mission. It was late at night and Natasha was driving back to the compound with you and Wanda in the backseat.

You were your head laying across Wanda's lap, sleeping as Wanda's hands carded through your hair. Natasha glanced back at the two of you, smiling at her girls before turning her eyes back to the road.

Wanda watched you as her thumb brushed over your cheek, moving to cup your throat. She saw the way you moved slightly, your lips falling open as a breath left you.

Her lips curled into a smirk, her fingers trailing down the column of your throat and to your breasts, squeezing. A slight moan caught in your throat, shifting again at the feel of her hands on you. She pulled her lip between her teeth, letting out a slow breath before letting you go.

She kept her hand sitting atop your head, her other hand smoothing along your side and over your ass. Again, she squeezed gently and marveled at the way you did not wake from her touch. Her smirk faltered only just a little when she saw you shift again, this time with more movement as you breathed in deeply. She knew you would wake soon, but she was beginning to have some fun. Scarlet tendrils seeped into your temples. Your body, which had tensed slightly, released again as you fell completely limp on her lap. Your evened out breathing confirmed your sleep and her hand continued to roam your body.

Wanda's hand played with the waistband of your pants, shifting to the clasp of your jeans and undoing them. Slowly and silently, she opened your zipper and cupped your mound in her hand. Your lips pressed together, a crease formed between your brows.

She dipped her hand under your panties, cupping you again as she palmed you. Her finger pressed against your clit, rubbing it gently, teasingly. Your hips wiggled slightly and she smiled down at you. It was when she dipped two fingers inside of your pussy when another tiny whimper escaped your lips. She pumped them slowly in and out of you, reaching deeper and deeper before curling them deliciously.

You were getting so wet already, covering her fingers in slick as she played with you. She bit her lip harder, getting more and more addicted to the way you began to squeeze around her fingers. A firm curl of her fingers pulled another moan from you, and this one caught Natasha's attention.

Through the rear-view mirror, Natasha's eyes found Wanda's smirking mischievously at her. She knew that look in Wanda's eyes, a dark hungry look that darkened her own gaze. Wanda added a digit, pumping her hands faster inside of you to bring you closer.

You dug your face into her lap, a hand curling around her leg to hold her. After a moment, she pulled her fingers from you and brought them to her lips. She held as much eye contact with Natasha as she could, licking your arousal from her fingers and suckling gently. Natasha gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white as she groaned deeply in her throat.

Wanda hummed, her eyes fell closed as she sucked on her fingers. When she pulled them from her lips, she smiled and whispered to her peaking girlfriend, "She tastes so sweet, Tasha."

The latter clenched her jaw in response, letting out a breath as a smile took over her own lips, "Taste her for me."

Wanda's smile widened and unbuckled both your seatbelts. She shifted you so you were lying across the backseat. She stripped you of your bottoms, shucking them away and admiring your heat as she positioned herself with you. With a silky grin, she pressed her lips to your wet cunt and hummed. "I bet she's so good, baby," Natasha said, her voice husky as her breath became shallow.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now