Strings (Natasha)

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You tapped your finger on the table you were sitting at as you let out a long sigh. You looked around the diner again. You had just come to get a bite to eat when you kept seeing all of these happy couples together. It didn't help when the waitress came to your table and offered the Valentine's Day dinner special and then apologized when she realized you were dining alone.

You sighed and closed your eyes again, that same red string you always say there behind your eyelids. The red string used to look like some red line made by a highlighter, it was transparent and dull. When you moved to New York, it was a lot more detailed and it looked stronger than some sewing string. That's when you found that the closer you were to your soulmate, the clearer you could see the string that led you to them.

And that string was clear all right. You would be able to see it through murky water. You tapped your finger more, you'd given up on picking at your food. Maybe it was time to find your soulmate. Besides, it was Valentine's Day, it was as good a day as any to find your soulmate.

You paid for your food and left, stepping out of the diner and looking around when you got outside. You closed your eyes and saw the red string directed to the right. You opened your eyes again and looked that way, taking in a breath before taking that first step. You headed down the street and followed the string in your head.

You were walking for quite some time before you came up on a bar. You looked up at the place and closed your eyes, the string directing you right through the doors.

You sighed before stepping inside, following the string. It would be there. You looked around the bar, wondering who exactly would end up being your soulmate.

You closed your eyes again but quickly opened them when someone shoved past you. You looked up at the guy and said, "Hey, watch it."

"You're the one standing in the middle of the room," he complained.

"I'm trying to get a drink the same as you, pal," you lied. He towered over you angrily, but you refused to look scared, so you stood your ground as you sized up to him. You were going to get your ass in trouble.

The man clenched his fists and you swore you heard his knuckles pop. You kept your face though, you wouldn't let anything show.

"Hey, buddy," a woman's voice said. It was a nice voice.

He turned around, "I'm in the middle of something here, lady."

She scoffed, "I can see that. Mind if I step in?"

You peeked around the hulk of a man and saw a beautiful redhead with her hand on her hip as she looked up at the guy. She had a look on her face that made you wonder just what she was thinking.

By now, just about everyone had turned to see what was happening. It didn't phase you or the woman, the only person who seemed affected was the man. He looked around a little and muttered, "This doesn't concern you."

She laughed lightly, "Maybe not, but it would be fun if it did."

You couldn't help the smile that crept on your face. You spoke, "As I said, pal, I'm trying to get a drink the same as you."

He turned to you, his face red with anger. He grabbed for you and you ducked last minute. The woman tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around to go for her, but she also ducked in a more efficient manner and punched him hard in the gut.

The bar erupted in noise and commotion, a ton of people yelling, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The man groaned in pain and turned to face the two of you. The redhead was now by your side, smirking at the guy as he got ready to lunge forward again. Why do they always go for the same attacks?

She moved to the side, taking hold of his arm and bending it over her knee. There was a sickening crunch that made people wince as there were scattered "oo"s around the room.

The thing is, when she went for the broken arm, you went for something a little more personal. You ducked and smirked at the guy who was looking down in horror as he realized just exactly what it is you were about to do.

You kicked him hard in the crotch, moving out of the way as he fell forward when he went to cover it. His face turned red and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head.

Everyone made a loud and collective mix of "ouch!" and "oh!" and "damn!". You probably loved the attention a little too much. The redhead was impressed.

The guy slowly pulled himself to his feet, clearly still in pain because of the broken arm and injured testicles. He cursed at you both. You and the redhead shared a look, shrugging before you pleased the crowd with one last sock in the face, giving him a broken nose and two less teeth.

He spat out the teeth and stumbled out of the bar. You turned to the woman and smiled, "Thanks."

She winked, "No problem. It was fun. What's your name?"

"Y/N... What about you?"

"Natasha," she shook your head and your smile grew. You blinked, catching a glimpse of something behind your eyelids. You closed the longer to see what it was you saw before and furrowed your brow.

"You okay?" Natasha asked.

You opened your eyes again and went to process what you'd seen. The string had stopped right in front of you. It usually stretched on into the distance, but it actually stopped in front of you where this extraordinary woman was standing.

Your smile grew and she closed her own eyes, as if she caught a hint of what you were doing. Natasha smiled and looked back at you, something in her eyes that made your heart light.

"It seems we're...soulmates," you said, licking your lips. She nodded, "Yeah, seems so."

You laughed lightly, "I hope the first date can be beating the shit out of a dude, then."

She cocked a brow and nodded, "Obviously, it was fun."

You breathed in and asked, "Can I buy you a drink?"

She looked around, nodding and answering, "We're in the perfect place for one. Why not?"

"Okay, then," you commented happily. You closed your eyes for a moment to see the string, but you saw nothing but blackness. You wouldn't be needing the string anymore, anyway.

You smiled and walked next to Natasha up to the bar, picking two stools and ordering your drinks. As they poured your drinks, you turned to Natasha and smiled. "So," you started, "What's up?"

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now