EXmas (Natasha)

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You looked down at the invitation in your hand with a heavy sigh, growing as you leaned back in your chair. Natasha sat by your side, elbow propped beside your head as she rested her chin on it.

"What's wrong?" she asked. You looked at your best friend, huffing as you jutted your lip out dramatically.

"I'm going to an old friend's Christmas party and my ex is going to be there with her new girl."

Natasha tapped your nose, "Aww... You can just not go."

You shook your head and groaned again turning to face her only inches from your face. "I can't, I already said I'd go, and he just texted me that Lydia was coming. I can't just not go."

You sat up, playing with your nails as you muttered, "It would just be embarrassing if I showed up and bumped into her and her new girlfriend, single."

Natasha sat up next to you, biting her bottom lip as she thought. "You know," she said, "you don't have to go alone..."

She looked over at you, a smirk on her face with a raised brow. You rolled your eyes, "What? Am I supposed to just walk into a Hot Topic and ask someone out?" You mumbled under your breath, "Everyone knows that's where the gays are..."

She rolled her eyes, standing and leaning over you with her hands on your thighs. "I meant me, dumbass."

You paused, "You want to be my date?"

She smirked, "Even better. I'll go as your fiancée. That'll rub it in her face."

You eyed her before bursting out laughing. "That's funny! That was a good one," you snorted, "You and me as wives."

She pouted and smacked your chest, "Hey, I'm serious! What's better than girlfriend? Fiancée, bride-to-be, future wife. It won't be real, obviously, but it can be for the night."

She leaned forward, her face inches from your again. You could have sworn you felt her breath stop in her throat as a slow smirk spread over her lips, "You know I'm a good actress."

Your heart pounded in your chest at how close she was to you now. Her breath blew feather-light over your face, and her green eyes watched your every move. Your own eyes could not help but dart down to her lips; plump, soft, pink, and oh-so kissable.

"Y/N, will you do me the honors of being coming my wife?" she asked, her eyes glistening.

The thought of the two of you going to that party, arm-in-arm with rings on your fingers, the possibility of sharing a kiss with those soft lips to prove your marriage-to-be, it had your heart beating faster (if possible) and your breath growing heavier.

You nodded, "Okay."

She smiled at you, "Yeah?"

You nodded again, smiling at her, "Yeah." She pulled away from you, holding her hand out for you. You took it and stood with her.

"I'm sure I have rings we can choose from," she said as she lopped her arm with yours. "Or we can go shopping. Give this thing a test drive."

You laughed, brushing off the strangely intense moment you had just shared with Natasha. "Whatever you want, darling," you smirked at her, already feeling your confidence coming back.


You spent the week before the Christmas party practicing with Natasha. Not that you really needed to, it turned out that you were naturals.

You ended up going to a restaurant together as a "practice date". You definitely did not just ask her out to the place because you wanted to do a one-on-one dinner with her where you would sit close to one another, smiling and looking into one another's eyes, and possibly sharing a kiss between one another. That would be ridiculous.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now