Paying You Back (Natasha)*

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Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral, fingering, face riding strap-on, leg spreader, cuffs, multi-orgasm, overstimulation, lesbian sex, cum eating, good girl/praise kink, putting-you-back-in-your-place kink, dom!Nat and sub!Reader, vibrator, swearing.


You were laying in the bed with Natasha, you were laying in front of her with your head in her lap as she stroked your hair. The TV was on and you were just barely watching it as night stalked closer. Natasha grabbed a hold of your arm gently, stroking up in before she reached your wrist. You smiled gently, letting out a long sigh before you heard a click and felt something cold around your wrist.

You looked up and sighed when you saw the handcuff she just put you in, cuffing you to the bedpost. "I should've known," you muttered. She gave a soft chuckle, leaning over and kissing you as she cuffed your other hand.

She then gave a light chuckle, "I'm just paying you back, I did say I would."

You nodded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

She got off of the bed and you did your best to sit up. She rounded the bed, reaching for the box under the bed and setting it on top of the covers. She gave you another sweet smile before gripping your ankles and pulling you back down so you were flat on your back. She opened the box, and pulled out an leg spreader bar. "Oh, shit," you muttered as you caught on to just how she was wanting to do this.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Sometimes you forget who's the dominant one in this relationship. I just thought I would remind you." You let a string of curses fall from your lip as she pull a couple of other nice little toys that she would be playing with. She revealed that strap-on you loved using on her, but she also pulled out a regular dildo (although, it was a very thick one).

Her eyes looked up at you innocently before she asked gently, "This is okay, right?" You nodded with a heavy sigh, one filled with anticipation of what was to come. She bit her lip, "Хороший." (Good.)

You were already tugging at the cuffs now, wanting to get to her. Natasha pulled out a small knife and you let out a soft moan as she brought it closer to you. She then ripped at your clothing, tearing it off of you to waste no time in trying to just pull it off after you've already been bondaged.

She tossed the rags of clothes away and admired your naked body before stripping as well. You wanted to reach out and touch her, to hold her body against yours. She was so sexy, to not touch her would be a crime. She gave another teasing smile as she crawled over your body. She lingered her lips just over yours, making you moan as you tried to lean forward to kiss her. She pulled back with another chuckle and tapped a finger on your lips, "Not yet, милая." (dear) Her voice was husky as she lowered it, lust filling her throat as her words became heavy.

You glanced down at the wetness that stuck to her thighs and licked your lips, smiling at the effect you already had on her. She rolled her eyes, "For someone chained up, you sure do seem pretty comfortable."

You raised a brow with a smirk, "What can I say? I like the view." She rolled her eyes and sunk down on the bed before you, her head between your thighs. She smirked when she saw the wetness that now stuck to your own thighs deliciously. "So wet already."

You wanted to rub your thighs together, but you couldn't. The bar was going to get on your nerves quick. But before you could think about any of that, Natasha dove between your thighs and began to go down on you, licking and sucking at your cunt hungrily. She moaned breathlessly as she tasted you, your sweet nectar like honey.

"I could do this forever," she sighed, pushing her tongue inside of you as she greedily tasted you. Your head flew back onto the pillows and you moaned, your hips moving as they went to buck against her. You wanted to tangle your hands in her soft, red hair. She had already begun to drive you crazy and she had just started. This was going to be a long night.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now