It's What We Do (Natasha)

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Your feet dragged behind you as you opened the door to your apartment. Your mission had been long, and it went bad. You were tired, you wanted to sleep, maybe hold Natasha for a little while before hand.

As you stepped into the apartment, Natasha greeted you from the stool in the kitchen. She gave you a warm smile, her eyes still raking over her computer screen as she worked at something. “Hey, stranger,” she said.

You hummed in reply, catching her off guard as you gave no witty reply to her words. Her smile fell as she stood, walking over to you with her arms out. “Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked, wrapping her arms around you as she pulled you into a hug. Your eyes closed and you let out a sigh as you held her back, albeit only for a moment.

You pulled away all too quickly as she added, “Did something happen?”

You shrugged, trying to pull your lips into a smile, only for it to fall short. “Mission went sideways, some people got hurt and a lot of people died. We, uh, just got back from clean up.”

She sighed, placing a hand on the side of your neck as her thumb stroked your cheek. “I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered. She gave you a smile in an attempt to lift your spirits, “Let me make you feel better. I got movies and hot chocolate.”

She held your hand as she began to pull you to the kitchen, only for you to resist as you stayed rooted in your spot. You shook your head as she glanced back at you, “No, I’m fine. It’s part of the job, it’s what we do. We deal with it, and then we move on…”

She frowned, moving back to cup your face in her hands. “Y/N…”

You grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from you. “I’m okay, Natasha. I think I’m going to go to bed, actually. It was a very long mission.”

You turned to leave but she grabbed a hold of your wrist. Your back was facing her, your jaw clenched as you tried to hold back the emotions that threatened to spill. You did not want her to make you feel better, as you knew she would. You got people hurt, you failed to protect the ones you were supposed to save. You did not deserve to feel better about that.

Natasha’s words wrapped around you in the thick silence. “You don’t have to be strong all the time.” She paused, walking closer without letting go of your wrist. She moved her hands to wrap around yours. “You don’t have to be so brave when you’re with me.”

“What am I if I’m not strong?” You swallowed hard, “What do I have if I’m not brave?”

She turned you around then so you would look at her, her hands on either side of your face to make you look at her. Her green eyes shimmered as you stared into the depths of them, unwillingly finding comfort in her gaze.

“You are the love of my life. You’re my Y/N. You have all of my love and all of my heart.” There was another moment as she searched your eyes, seeing the hurt in them as memories of the events that had taken place plagued your mind.

With the countless missions and the countless amount of death you had seen, it was never easier to bear, never easier to experience. As numb as you had become to death, you were still as perceptive as ever to the pain it brought to witness.

“Come here,” she said as she pulled you into her arms. You could not stop your tears as you cried into her shoulder, her arms holding you tight as you kept her close. Her hands rubbed your back as she worked to comfort and calm you.

She shushed you gently, stroking your back slowly. She spoke in a soft voice, “These kinds of missions suck, I know. But you will always be able to come home to me after so I can try to make it all better because I love you so much, and I’m not going anywhere.”

You smiled and nodded into her shoulder, your tears already slowing as you pulled back just enough to kiss her. She smiled against your lips and stole your breath away, holding you close as she kissed you for as long as you could.

“Thank you. I love you, too,” you whispered to her and she smiled, kissing your lips once more. “Now why don’t I pop some popcorn and turn on our favorite movie?”

You nodded, sniffing as you looked at her. “That would be amazing.”

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now