Laser Tag (Natasha)

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Everyone in the Tower was bored out of their minds. Your girlfriend was sitting on the sofa as you laid your head in her lap in the living room.

She stroked your hair as you fiddled with one of the guns she had taken the bullets out of and she read a book, occasionally glancing at you.

Wanda and Vision were on the chair next to the sofa. Wanda laying over the side of the chair over Vision as he sat there, him staring off into space while Wanda also read. Tony and Bruce were talking about...something.

Thor and Loki were in the kitchen, talking about how Loki thinks Pop Tarts are fattening and how Thor thinks Pop Tarts are wonderful Midgardian delicacies.

Pietro and Clint were playing Bullet, Glass, Daggers, their own form of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Bucky and Sam were messing with Peter again, and Steve was trying to get them to leave the poor boy alone, while Peter insisted that it was fine.

Tony looked up from Bruce and at everyone. "You guys are so boring!" Tony blurted out of nowhere. You kept fiddling with the gun as you said, "No. Our names are Natasha, Y/N, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Peter, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Pietro, Clint, Thor, and Loki. And your name is Tony Stank."

Everyone chuckled breifly before going back to what they were doing. Tony rolled his eyes, mumbling, "Tony Stank. Yeah right. It's Stark. S-T-A-R-K. Stark."

You chuckled again. After a moment, an idea popped into your head. "Hey, guys. What if we go play laser tag? Stark, didn't you buy a laser tag building not too long ago?"

Tony nodded and said, "I thought my name was Stank."

You said, "It's gonna be baby if you don't stop."

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "Well, let's go!"

Everyone got up at different times and went to go get ready. You and Natasha went to your shared room and closed the door.

"Ready?" Natasha asked.

"Nat, I was born ready." You reply, smirking. You both head to your big closet and open it wide.

You picked up your suits and threw Natasha's to her. She catches it and smirks. "Camoflauge!" You said.

"This'll be fun," Natasha commented.

Natasha put her suit on as you did the same. You had black combat boots, with leather black skin tight jeans and a black vest over a skin tight black shirt.

You got your black beanies, handing on to Natasha.You both put on the beanies and regrouped with the team.

"Really? Full camo?" Tony asked.

Natasha shrugged, "We're gonna win. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is losing."

Everyone said, "Ooh!" You and Natasha high-fived.

"You've been burned!" Thor yelled.

Loki said, "Even I can't fix that."

"Oh, har har. Let's go," Tony said, turning to go to the garage. You all followed, arriving in the garage and getting into separate cars.

You, Natasha, Vision and the Twins went in Natasha's car. Tony, Bruce, Thor, Peter, and Clint went with Tony. Bucky, Steve, Loki, and Sam got in Sam's car.

Tony pulled out of the garage and onto the street. Natasha pulled out after him, following him out. Sam followed her.

The car ride was overall short. Only took about ten minutes. When you arrived, everyone got out of the car and headed inside the building.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now