Shark Week (Nat/Wanda)

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You groaned in pain as you suffered. Your face was stuffed in a pillow, another longer pillow between your legs that you cuddled, and the blanket pulled over you covered your curled up body.

Natasha and Wanda stood at the end of the book, looking at you with crossed arms. While Natasha had a brow raised in slight amusement, Wanda watched you with a hint of sympathy.

"You have to get up at some point, baby," Natasha told you, not unkindly.

"I'm going to die here," you grumbled back, shooting her a glare.

"I want to hang out with you," Wanda near pouted. You scooted over a smidge and pointed to the spot behind you. "Get in and we cuddle."

She chuckled, "That's not what I meant." She moved to your side of the bed and set her chin on the mattress, giving you a sympathetic look. You looked back at her, your eyes feigning sadness. "But it may be the only thing to save my life."

"You're not dying," Natasha said.

You looked at her with a pouting frown, "How do you know? You don't get a period."

"Because I don't have a uterus," she replied with an amused smirk.

"Or ovaries," Wanda commented. She poked your nose with her slender finger before leaning forward and kissing your forehead, "C'mon, little bee, we want to take you somewhere."

"And do what? End my misery? End my suffering?" you asked. "Please do that."

She rolled her eyes and straightened up, "No. C'mon, get dressed."

When you just pulled the covers over your head and groaned, cuddling your pillow closer, her scarlet magic wrapped around the blanket and lifted it, folding it and setting it out of your reach. "Come on!" she exclaimed as she began to leave the room.

Natasha watched her go before turning back to you, saying simply, "You got thirty minutes."

You huffed and she laughed, walking over to you and finally pressing a kiss to your forehead. "It'll be worth it. Promise."

You huffed again and moved to sit up and get ready.


You, Wanda, and Natasha walked around the store. Wanda was wandering around the shop, looking at different things and adding too many to the cart she pushed around the place. Natasha was walking beside you, her arms wrapped around you as you walked slowly behind Wanda for dramatic effect.

"Face it," you argued. "I'm a dead girl walking."

She rolled her eyes, "No, you're a baby. You've had a lot worse than just cramps, Y/N."

You glared at her, "My moon, there's no such thing."

"Honey bee, come here!" Wanda chimed around the corner. You were Wanda's little bee and Natasha was her honey. Together, she called you honey bee. You adored the names.

You both walked over and saw her holding up a large stuffed unicorn with an even bigger smile. "Look at him! We have to."

Natasha chuckled, "Precious, we have three body pillows and 39, no- 43 stuffed animals back at the house."

Her smile somehow got wider as she bit down on her bottom lip, and she buried her face in the mane of the unicorn, "You do care about the stuffies."

She rolled her eyes and you just smiled at her adorable face, the way her nose scrunched up and her dimples popped. Natasha spoke again, "Yeah, because they take up the most space. We have to move them to the floor before we can get into the bed."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now