Extravagance* (Wanda)

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Wanda tightened the bindings around your thighs as you slept peacefully in your bed. She smiled sweetly, looking down on you and your sleeping face.

Walking over to you, she sat on the side of the bed and caressed the side of your face with her knuckles. She looked over to the picture on your bedside table, you in your white wedding dress and her in her white tux. You smiled wide in the photo, the slight red glare in your eyes hinting at the wisps of magic embedded deep within your mind.

She kissed the tips of her fingers and pressed it to the frame. She looked at you again, sighing and bending down to kiss your forehead.

"Wake up, my love," she whispered, brushing hair from your face.

You stirred, opening your eyes slowly until you laid them upon Wanda. She hadn't expected the look you'd given her, a flash of fear and confusion as your breath sped slightly. "W-Wanda?" you stuttered. "Where am I?"

"Shit," she muttered under her breath. She pet your hair, trying to get you to calm down. "Shh, I'm sorry, honey. Here, let me help you."

She flicked her fingers over your eyes, beckoning your gaze there as the red took your pupils and pulled a sigh from your breast.

You blinked quickly as the fog cleared and smiled as your gaze fell upon your wife. "Hey, baby," you mumbled fondly.

She smiled wide. "Hey. How did you sleep?"

You hummed lightly, your brows furrowing. "Had a strange dream...about you," you muttered, chuckling at the end about the absurdity of the dream. How could you not love her? How could this all be a lie? She was your wife, and that was the realest thing you knew...

"Why don't I take your mind off of that for you?" she smiled, sitting up and kissing you sweetly before she rounded the side of the bed.

Pulling on the bindings keeping you spread out on the bed, you chuckled. "I think you've already started..."

She stooped at the edge of the bed, sinking down onto the mattress as she laid on her stomach. Wanda snaked her arms under your knees, easing your legs onto her shoulders as she nestled herself up to you. "Just lay back and let me love you, baby," she smiles, kissing just below your belly button.

Your eyes fluttered closed when she kissed your clit gently. Wanda's hot breath fanned against you as she pressed a few kisses to the inside of your thighs, her lips wrapping around the skin and suckling gently before once again finding your pussy.

Your legs jerked after a moment when she found your pussy, her tongue delving inside of you to lick and flick at your folds. You moaned gently, feeling her swirl it inside of you. You tugged on the bindings keeping you spread open for her, wanting so badly to card your fingers through her hair as she continued to pleasure you.

Her patience was already wearing thin. You always made it hard for her to control herself, especially when you whimpered so prettily for her. Her tongue flattens against you as she laps at your cunt, licking inside of you and humming at the taste of your arousal coating her tongue. The pleasure rises within you like a fire. She devoured you.

"Wanda," you sighed as she sucked at your clit. She was messy as she ate you out, arousal and saliva mixing together and spreading over your thighs, dripping onto the bed sheets. "Baby, I'm gonna cum," you breathed already.

She moaned into you, sending the vibrations through your body and making you tremble. She listened to you moan as you arched your back.

You gasped her name when you came, your chest heaving as you huff and moan and beg her to give you more. She always loved that, when you begged for more. She loved you. She continued to suck on your clit as you came down from your high.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now