Delicious* (Natasha)

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Natasha had never been in this shop before.

Drawn to a strange feeling coming from within, she wanders inside the little cafe and stares at its warm tones, letting her eyes wander the wall of books, the tables and booths, the counter where a beautiful waitress talks to a customer. She lays eyes on you and can feel the mischief twisting in her gut.

You are perfect.

The light that surrounds you is a beacon of...purity. Your tan apron wraps securely around your body, your hair is out of your face, your smile is brighter than the sun and snow outside. She can taste the innocence oozing off your skin like honey from a honey dipper.

You are radiant, and he can't wait to hold you in her hands and see how dark she can make you.

A dark and charming grin spreads over her red lips as she walks up to the counter, waiting for you to give your warm goodbye to the last customer and offer a warm hello to the next. She steps forward and swears she could get drunk off your virtue.

You give her a bright smile, and she can see it shining in your eyes too. "Hi! What can I get ya?"

Natasha lets her green eyes wander the menu for only a moment, turning her gaze back to you as she speaks slowly, deeply, letting her rasp wash over you like a siren to a sailor. "I'll have a mocha."

You nod, picking up your notepad and a permanent marker to write her order as you take in the sight of her face. She's beautiful. "And what size would you like that in?"


You pick up the cup, nodding as you do. "Anything else?"

She looks you up and down, drinking you in some more before gauging what it does to you. You seem almost fidgety, flustered. She grins. "What do you recommend?"

"Well," you chuckle lightly, "I am a sucker for our Christmas special—the gingersnaps. I shape them like little Christmas trees." You illustrate your words as you pull your hands up to form a triangle, the closest you can get to the tree.

She raises her brows. "Oh, so you make them?"

You nod proudly, smiling widely as you set your hands on the counter. "I do!"

She hums. You're adorable. "I'll take it."

"Alright-y! Will that be all for you?"

"It will," she nods simply.

You grab her cup size and clutch the permanent marker. "And what's the name on that order?"

"Natasha," she purrs, watching you closely and letting her gaze openly drink you in to see how you'll react. You're so flustered already, practically melting at the sultry nature of her voice. "But I think Nat will do just fine."

You start writing the name, "Nat" in pretty script. "Alright, Natasha. A grande mocha and gingersnaps coming right up!" You say her name like warm icing on cinnamon rolls, letting it drip over your skin like melted caramel. You look at her and smile fondly, shyly, your head tilted slightly down but your eyes glancing up at her nervously. "You have...a beautiful name, by the way."

Natasha chuckles, shaking her head gently. You're hypnotized. "I can't tell if you're flirting or if you're just that nice."

"O-Oh!" you say, your eyes widening slightly as she catches you by surprise. "Oh, I'm a really bad flirt." You meet her eyes again and she sees you panic for a moment as you raise your hands. "W-Well, not to say you're not worth flirting with! I think you're very pretty—gorgeous, even. You're very—You're really–!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now