Intensely Symbiotic (Natasha)*

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She should not have been this excited.

One of your hands roamed Natasha's body while the other dipped in and out of her, her slim figure fitting perfectly in your hands as her skin prickled with goosebumps. Havoc was practically going feral as she watched you and Natasha play. Her body shook, her legs quivering beside you as her mind raced with all the possibilities of being yours and Havoc's.

You and Natasha had just been in your shared bedroom, remote in hand as you watched TV. As usual, Havoc was nagging you, her constant chatter filling your head. You had become quite good at reducing her to white noise, annoying but bearable background music, by now. So her mumbles in the back of your head was nothing out of the ordinary until Natasha's name echoed in your mind in her distorted voice—which had become less distorted and monstrous in your head with the passage of time.

At the mention of your girlfriend's name, you finally paid Havoc half a mind as you listened to what she was saying.

"She is so pretty. Do you see?"

You rolled your eyes but looked anyway. You had also grown used to Havoc constantly complimenting and hitting on your girlfriend, so it was less annoying to you as you accepted that she was, as the pest insisted, "our girlfriend".

You looked over at Natasha, her head was leaning on your shoulder and her hands were squished between her thighs as her eyes focused—at least that was what it looked like from your angle—on the television. She did look pretty, she looked beautiful. She was truly a sight to see as her face scrunched slightly. You rubbed your hand over her arm as you pulled her closer, smirking a little.

What you had not realized was that her eyes were, in fact, not focused on the TV. They were looking past it, mind drifting off to this constant idea in her head, this memory she kept at the front of her mind far too often. It was only after she had finally deemed her daydreaming enough that she grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, soaking the room in darkness before switching on the lamp on the side table.

You looked at her, a little concerned as you saw her red hair framing her face like a curtain. It was not until her leg was thrown over your lap that you actually realized and registered what was going on. Havoc was quicker than you.

"Mm, I like where this is going."

"Shut up, V," you told her before being silenced by Natasha's lips. Your body responded instantly, hands finding her waist as she ground into you. Her hands rested on your shoulders, gripping you tightly, eagerly.

You squeezed her hips tightly in one hand before trailing it down her side and between her legs. She had only been wearing an oversized t-shirt and some panties she knew drove you crazy. It allowed for more stimulation as she rubbed herself against you. You cupped her warm mound in your hand, a sigh escaping your lips as you felt how wet she had become. She had completely soaked through her panties, ruining them with her fantasies and memories.

She moaned lightly at the contact, grinding eagerly into your hand for some kind of friction. You moaned and pulled away, "Gods, you're already so wet. Have you been thinking about me this whole time?"

"She has been thinking about us."

"I've been thinking about the both of you," she said, lips finding yours again as she forced her tongue between your own.

"I told you."

"Shut up, V," you mumbled against Natasha's lips. Her dark chuckle did not go unnoticed, but Natasha just ignored your mumbling. She had grown accustomed to your constant mutters and groans to your mental roomie. You pushed her panties to the side, feeling some of her arousal drip into your palm before you even pressed it against her. She gasped lightly into your mouth, your warm hand touching her just right. Your fingers searched her hole, curling and pumping and pleasing her.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now