Maybe A Little Too Symbiotic (Natasha)*

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Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral (r!receiving), dom!nat, sub!reader, dom?havoc, fingering, slight edging (if you blink, you'll miss it), lesbian sex, safe word use, overstimulation, monster cock (ahem)...


"You can have her back when I'm done with you, medovyy."

You shrunk under Natasha's dominance, which had been amplified by Havoc's presence in her body. You simply nodded, your eyes wide and your mouth open. "Whatever you want." She chuckled in that raspy tone of hers, the sound reverberating in her chest.

It was a long night.

"I want you," she declared before swooping down to capture your lips. You moaned against her, your body buzzing with the after affects of your earlier release and the addition of your fresh lust as Natasha's possessive hands roamed your body.

Not even minutes ago, she had been completely at your mercy, begging and pleading with you to let her let go, to spill out over you with a burst of pleasure. Now, with nothing but her lips pressing to yours and her normal tongue teasing your mouth with the possibility of sweet suffocation, you were so close to giving in and reversing the roles to become her precious submissive.

This was usual how it was before Havoc chaotically entered your lives. It was a constant exchange of power and submission with a fair amount of codependency and pepperings of codominance. Whoever's hand reached out and grasped the control first, ironically, was the first to be put into submission, to be humbled and reminded of a temporary place on their knees before their own personal goddess. Whether power was balanced out in an exchange after that goddess took what she wanted was left to the unusually high libido of the former submissive.

And then Havoc appeared.

Not too much had changed, dominance-wise. The exchange of power ran true to what it was: an affectionate display of vulnerability. The both of you needed that vulnerability in one another to survive. She needed to give it to you, to let you know that you were the only person she let all of her walls and gates down for, the only person she unlocked all of her bolts for, the only person she removed all of her doors for—and you gave the same thing in return. You craved giving that to her because you knew she needed to see it from you. She needed to feel your utter submission and exposure, to hold it in her hands and cherish it because she knew what it meant, what it really was: all of your love and complete devotion.

So her lips moved with yours in perfect harmony. You allowed her to dominate your mouth with not so much as a grunt and held her tighter. She sighed gently, raising a hand to your throat just to cup it, to feel it bob under the press of her fingers at the pressure points on your neck. Your breath thinned in that wonderful way that quickened your pulse and heightened your lust for this beautiful woman above you. From your position on your knees between her thighs, she leaned forward a little more, chasing that feeling of her mouth moving with yours. It was a feeling that was a perfect mix of holy and entirely unholy.

You had not taken notice of Havoc's extra tentacles wrapping around your body and pulling you up. You were lying on your back on the bed before you even realized it. Natasha had pulled away when you were pulled from her lips. She turned and stood over your body, one arm crossed over her chest while her other hands smoothed over her chin in thought.

"What do you think?" she asked as the goopy limbs seeped back into her sides. It was silent as you lay there, just breathing under her gaze. The look in her eyes was nothing if not predatorial. When she finally responded, it was a very vague response as she nodded and smirked, "I think you're exactly right."

Natasha stepped forward and her body loomed over yours as she set her hands on either side of your head, fisting the sheets as she stared down at you. You leaned in, thinking she was going to kiss you as you raised your hands up to her face to cradle it. But she flipped you over onto your stomach, pressing her body against yours and pinning you down into the sheets. You let out a moan as your breath fanned out over the bed.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now