Pre-Symbiotic (Natasha)

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"Y/L/N, can you hear me?"

The scratchy sound of the intercoms were faint in your ear, fading in and out as the voices of the team tried to reach you.

Cold concrete pressed against your skin, dirt and sweat and grime covered your body as you lay there still. There was a high pitched squeal in your ear that was dulling with each passing second. Your body felt both numb and overly sensitive to everything around you all at the same time as you slowly came to.

You opened your eyes first, heavy lids blinking as you looked around you. The air felt wavery, a combination of ice cold and warmingly hot. You looked around, your eyes moving slowly than you would have thought was possible as you caught sight of the small, but growing, fires scattered around the room.

You focused on your body, slowly coming back to full consciousness as you wiggled your fingertips, then your toes. You managed to adjust your wrists, waving it to bring feeling to your body. Goosebumps rose along your skin, your body aware of something that your mind was not. Soon, you were able to move your arms and legs enough to try to stand to your feet.

Your mind still followed behind everything else, your body moving on autopilot as its first instinct to figure out where you were and examine the things in the room. You were unaware of the intercom that had fallen from your ear, leaving behind the voices trying to each you.

You looked around, your hands patting you down in search of wounds to see how much healing it needed to do. Despite the chaos around you, you were without a single scratch. Your eyes scanned the room and found a large tank that looked like it was supposed to house some sort of animal, although it was barren, a sterile box of now-broken glass and reflections of light.

Ad you stepped closer, you glided your thumb along the glass to feel a slime-like substance on the surface. You scrunched your nose and wiped the substance on your pant-leg. As you looked down, you realized you were suited up. It helped to catch your mind up with your body, helped you remember where you were and why you were here.

There had been a strange report about some experiments regarding less-than-savory creatures from other planets. The experiments were being performed by people of... less-than-savory intentions and the Avengers were alerted. You were on a mission with the team to retrieve the creature and the experiments surrounding it when everything had gone wrong. You were directly in charge of retrieving the creature when an explosion in your area had disrupted everything.

With the sudden recounting of events, you realized the main problem here. Not that you were now lost and probably trapped on that room, but that the creature was now missing. You looked around the room frantically, muttering a string of 'oh shit's under your breath.


You let out a shout at the sudden intrusion in your head. A voice in your head, distorted and deep, sounded in your mind. It was loud and almost gargling, like some creature in a horror film. You stood still as you looked around for a source of the voice, speaking barely about a whisper, "What was that?"

"Not what. Who," the voice replied, making you jumped in surprise.

"No. No, absolutely not. Please don't tell me I'm insane now," you said, moving to sit on the ground as you cradled your head on your knees.

"You are not insane, Y/N," the voice replied. "You are evolved."

"What kind of cheesy movie line is that? What do you want and what are you?" you spoke, massaging your temples.

"You need to get up and leave the room. The building is falling and your friends are looking for you," she said.

"What are you?" you replied in a tired voice.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now