Sweet Names (Wanda)

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You carried your bag with you as you stared at the Avengers Compound. You were the newest recruit and you were nervous about your first day as an Avenger. You took in a breath and walked up to the door. You went to open it, but the doors slid open instead and allowed you in.

You let out the breath you were holding and went inside. There were agents walking around taking care of their own business as you looked around the place. You smiled a little and continued walking inside.

You bumped into someone and immediately apologized, "Oh, sorry!"

"Hey, don't worry about it," they said. You looked up and smiled, "Steve Rogers, it's so good to meet you! I'm Y/N."

"You're the new recruit," he pointed out. You nodded and chuckled lightly, "Guilty."

He smiled and shook your hand, "Come on, I'll take you upstairs where everyone else is. A lot of us are about to go on mission, so you'll have to meet them before we head out." While he shook your hand, you saw black lettering creeping out from under his sleeve. You didn't see much of the name, only a "MA". His soulmate, Margaret "Peggy" Carter. But everyone knew that.

You nodded, "Great."

You both took the elevator to the third floor, stepping out with a smile on your face. Your eyes lit up as you looked around the living area.

Steve called, "Hey, guys!"

Almost everyone looked up, a few continued what they were doing but listened. "This is our new recruit, Y/N."

Tony Stark was the next person to speak and you were almost freaking out about it. "Oh, hey. I read your file, sweet powers by the way."

You sighed, "Oh, thanks!"

He went to keep going but he was interrupted by another member, "Oh, the new girl. The name's Sam Wilson." Tony rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing. When he turned his head, you saw some of the name written down the side of his neck. "PEP", it was for Pepper.

He held his hand out and you shook it, "You're the Falcon. Awesome name."

He thanked you dramatically and Steve laughed, "Okay, there's Bruce Banner-"

"The Hulk."

"Clint Barton."


"Natasha Romanoff."

You smirked a little, you loved Natasha. She was one of your favorites of the Avengers, "Black Widow. Love that name." You whispered the last part and she smiled in amusement.

"Tony Stark."

"Iron Man, duh."


"God of Thunder. It's a little dramatic, but okay."


"God of Mischief. That one, I like."

He looked over his book at you from his corner and the room, smirked a little bit, and went back to his book.

"Bucky Barnes."

"Hi," you waved. He smiled softly and waved.

"And-" Steve looked around, "Where's Wanda?"

"The Scarlet Witch." You smiled.

Natasha spoke up from her spot in the living room where she was reading the newspaper, "Library."

Steve nodded and looked at his watch, "Time to go. Stark, Romanoff, Wilson, Barton, you're with me." He turned to you, "If you need anything, ask the team or ask JARVIS. I told Wanda she'd be showing you around and giving you the basics. Buck, can you show her to the library?"

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now