Photograph (Wanda)

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Wanda smiled as she sat with her book in her lap. She didn't look at the book, though, as her eyes watched you next to the window. It was later in the day, the evening light shining through the curtains and reflecting onto your skin in such a way that looked so surreal to her.

The golden tones of the sunset, the golden hour of the evening, shone on your skin. The shadows of the curtains that were pulled open just enough for you to see through them stretched across you. You were wrapped inside your favorite knitted blanket, a cup of tea in one hand that unleashed a mist for you to enjoy while your other hand twirled locks in your hair absently.

Wanda's lips pulled up further as she reached for the camera she always kept next to her, the camera that had taken so many pictures of so many things. But the new center of her attention, of her photography, was you. Her beautiful muse who was the object of her affection.

Silently, she raised the camera to her face and looked at you through the lens. A click was heard, a click that turned your head to see Wanda looking down at the film, her smile only growing. You smiled, "What are you doing?"

She looked up at you, her eyes were sparkling with a love that ran deep. She came to sit next to you, cuddling into your side as you both waited together for the picture to reveal itself soaking in your beauty. Wanda's eyes continued to watch you as you awaited the picture.

When it faded into existence, you chuckled lightly. "I like this one. I want one of you," you told her, leaning forward and kissing her nose. She shook her head, "I take the pictures, I'm not in them."

You rolled your eyes adorably and looked back down at the picture, setting your cup of tea to the side to take the film in both hands. Wanda replaced it with one hand as she continued to grin at you, her eyes shining back into your glittery one. Shadows and beams of golden light were painting your face, and her heart squeezed with her adoration for you.

You moved further into her side and sighed, "If I wished myself a superpower, I would make this moment last forever." You took a hold of the camera she had set to the side, tilting it up to capture her face in a beautiful picture for you to treasure. You gently grabbed the film as it rolled out. "I'd take a photograph and live inside it."

Wanda smiled and kissed your perfect lips, savoring this perfect moment.

Now, much time had passed, and she wished that superhero for herself. As she stood in the room, full of clutter and a mess that had no hope of being relieved, yet so hollow and devoid of a home, she stared at the chair that you once lay in.

Her heart squeezed, adoration replaced by grief.

"What are you doing?"

Your voice echoed off the empty walls covered in photos of things Wanda had taken, lining them in an almost obsessive way. Photos of you and your smile, the things you'd touched, the things you'd liked, the things you'd wanted and had.

Wanda walked over to your chair and knelt beside it, feeling the soft cushion and taking the blanket in her hands. Bringing it to your nose, she took in a large breath and shuddered with sorrow. Light bled in through the now bland curtains, the once golden shine paled in comparison to what it once was.

The tear stains that seemed permanent on her cheeks were refreshed with new salty tears as the scent washed over her. "If I wished myself a superpower..." the echo was louder in Wanda's head than it had been in the time since you had gone.

Wanda looked on the windowsill where your empty mug sat, a mug that hadn't seen tea in a long time. She took it in her hands, along with the blanket, and felt the smooth, thick glass. She swallowed hard, looking up at the pictures that she had given a special spot above your chair.

"I would make this moment last forever."

She reached up and plucked them from the strings they were clipped to. She looked at the first one, a picture of herself happy and smiling, her nose scrunched in the way that you had always adored. There was light in her eyes then as her love wrapped herself in her arms.

Wanda's breath shook again as she looked at the second picture. It was a picture of you in the evening light shining through the curtains, it was the time before the night where everything was golden. You were sitting in your chair, a cup of tea in your hands as you sat wrapped inside your knitted blanket. You played with your hair watching the world outside of your window.

"I'd take a photograph and live inside it."

Wanda's eyes streaked with tears as she held all of your old belongings to her chest. Her sorrow and mourning and regret writhed inside her in an amalgamation of grief. She fell to her knees, a choked sob leaving her throat as your voice continued to bounce off the walls in a reminiscent memory.

Just a memory.

She needed a way to prove that all of it was real, just your memory was not enough for her. She was so scared, terrified of forgetting the way it felt to be yours, to feel your love. That fear gripped her heart and squeezed, squeezing so hard, she believed the millions of tiny little pieces that it was could shatter again into a million more.

The grief swallowed her whole, wrapping around her like the blanket that wrapped around you. The light of her magic blinded her as it surrounded her. The flurry of sorrow suddenly paused, and she felt herself catch her breath.

"Wanda, sweetheart," your voice called to her. Slowly, Wanda's eyes raked up to you and she lost her breath again as she saw you sitting in your chair with your blanket around your body. You offered her a smile, "Come sit with me. You look sad."

The smile that took her face was wider than any smile she had ever had before. She stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around you, sinking into the chair beside you as she hoped never to let you go again. You looked at her as you shared the seat, your hands cupping her warm face.

"What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying?" you asked, your thumbs now wet with her tears as you brushed them gently from her cheeks. Her hands raised to hold your wrists, keeping your hands on her face as she closed her eyes gently and breathed in the scent she missed with all her soul.

She shook her head, "I just..." She opened her eyes to see your worried ones staring back at her, those deep eyes she dreamed of seeing again for so long. "I just really missed you."

"Missed me?" you chuckled lightly, pressing your lips to her forehead. "What do you mean? I've been here the whole time."

Wanda shook her head again, her smile widening as she willed her tears to slow. Swallowing hard, she revised her words, "I'm just so in love with you." She leaned forward and kissed you, a desperate kiss that stole both your breaths.

When she pulled away, you were dizzy as you chuckled again. "I love you, too," you smiled. Wanda reached over and grabbed the camera that was no longer faded and dull from neglect. Raising the camera to her eye, she took another picture of you, holding it to her heart when the picture showed.

Wanda looked back up at you. Her lips smiled. Her eyes glittered. "A photograph to live inside," she said.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now