Symbiotic (Natasha)

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The team was gathered in the living room of the compound, liquor passed around, popcorn being thrown places, and plenty of chocolate at the table between everyone. You sat next to Natasha, your hand on her thigh as your other held your glass of Tony's expensive scotch.

Natasha's hand covered yours, a smile on her face as the team collectively talked over each other in conversation. Havoc, your wonderfully named symbiote was content as you sat next to her. Her mindless chatter in your head were just comments on the different things everyone was saying.

She was behaving, and that was all that mattered. Most days, she would get along with everyone. But there were some days where civility was not at the top of her mind, and it usually centered around the same person.

As you glanced over, you saw Bruce mumble something to Natasha, a dopey grin on his face. For a split second, you caught his eyes dart down to her lips. A ping of annoyance sparked inside of you, and you almost scowled at him.

The symbiote growled, "Did you see that?" Her voice almost startled you with how loud it was, compared to the normal volume her grumbly voice typically held.

"I didn't see anything," you muttered to her, speaking quietly so no one else would pick up on your conversation. She grumbled to herself, continuing to watch him closely through your peripheral vision. Again, his eyes found Natasha's lips. Havoc scoffed angrily, "There! Again! You saw that, did you not?"

"Keep it down. You're so loud," you told her, your eyes glancing around you before you leaned forward and moved your hand from her thigh to pluck a piece of chocolate from the large bowl left out with you in mind.

"You know he is trying something, Y/N," she tried.

You just shook your head, "Not as far as I'm aware."

"Then you are blind, which cannot be true because I have perfect vision," she bragged slightly. She turned your head a little aggressively to look at Bruce, and he caught your eye. You quickly looked away and whisper-yelled at her, "Don't do that! Stop it!"

"Why are you denying me?" she questioned.

"Y/N, you alright? You look a little upset," Steve said, his eyes watching you carefully. You just forced a smile and nodded curtly, "I'm great. Shut the hell up." You whispered the last part to Havoc, who merely sighed and began to resign.

"Maybe you are right," she said.

"He's just another friend," you agreed, your eyes finding Bruce again, still eyeing Natasha openly in front of you.

"But he did it again!" she yelled in your head. You gritted your teeth at her, your eyes glancing back and forth between Bruce and not realizing some of the other team members had begun to notice your whispered conversation with Havoc.

"Stop freaking out," you whisper-yelled, much less subtle than before. Natasha was distracted looking at Bruce, but you could not see her face. You took a large gulp of the scotch in your hand, downing it in one go.

"We should eat him," she blatantly admitted, causing you to almost choke on her words. That attracted a little more attention as you whispered to her under your breath, "No, we should not eat him. Shut up and calm down. You're causing a scene."

Then you saw Bruce's hand come to rest on Natasha's knee. A dark feeling came over you as your face fell. You clenched your jaw, "Alright, that's it."

Havoc smiled, "Now?"

Obviously, you were not the only one to notice as Steve suddenly spoke up to the team, "Run."

Everyone was out of their seats in no time as you allowed Havoc to take over, the tar-like feeling of her murky violet skin slithering over you, wrapping around your body as you grew in height and terror. That large, maniacal smile of your symbiote companion stretch along your face and her slimy tongue curled.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now