Wound (Wanda)

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You, Wanda, and Natasha were on a mission. You had to get stolen information back from a Hydra base. You were sneaking through the base, trying to find the database.

Natasha was hacking in, getting the information back. You and Wanda were standing guard. After a few minutes, Natasha came out with the hard drive.

"Let's go. Quick," Natasha told you. You three went through the halls quickly and quietly. When you got to the door of the base, you all opened it and walked out. Bad idea.

Why would walking out of the front door work?

There were four guards by the door, four in five separate trucks standing guard. You face palmed and grabbed your bow and arrow.

The guards saw the three of you and began shooting. You dodged the bullets, shooting five arrows and hitting five different guys. Training sessions with Clint (whether you needed them or not) really paid off.

You shot a few explosive arrows, multiple trucks blowing up as a result. Natasha shot others with her guns as Wanda used her magic to pick up trucks and slam them down on others.

As you fought your way through the agents, the three of you quickly retreated before the others came. You approached the Quinjet, putting your bow down.

As you, Wanda, and Natasha got on, you heard an army of footsteps behind you. You turned and, before you could shoot, you were shot.

You fell to the ground, beginning to black out.

Wanda turned and screamed, "No!" She looked up and activated her magic, using it to pick everyone up and then slam them back on the ground to give them more time while they recovered.

Natasha came out of the jet and picked you up, carrying you safely inside. She laid you across the seat before turning to the pilot seat and pulling off the ground to return to the base.

Wanda sat next to you, unable to control her tears as she examined your wound. She set the palm of her hand over your chest and wound, using her magic to feel around for the bullet. When she grasped it, she slowly pulled it from your body. It was so close to reaching your heart, too close.

She tossed the bullet away, disgusted by it. Natasha put the jet on autopilot and came to check on you both. You were breathing, you just needed to be properly taken care of.

She felt your neck, feeling for your pulse. Natasha looked up at Wanda and nodded. Wanda sighed heavily in relief. Natasha spoke, "She'll be fine. She's still alive and breathing. She just needs medical attention but it's not immediate."

She grabbed the first aid kit and carefully stitched up your wound, cleaning and bandaging it afterwards. When she finished, she went back to the pilot seat.

Wanda sat on the seat beside you and put your head on her lap. She rocked back and forth, stroking your cheek gently while she waited for you to wake.

Natasha carried you up to Bruce's lab for medical attention as Wanda followed close behind. "What happened?" Bruce asked as Natasha set her on a bed. He quickly dialed a number on a keypad that notified the nurses over so they could aid you.

"She was shot," Wanda almost blurted. Bruce turned to her and a nurse that rushed into the room. "Is the bullet still there?" she asked as Bruce moved out of the way. Wanda shook her head as she answered, "No, I removed it."

The nurse nodded as she spoke, examining you closely, "Okay. We'll keep her here until she wakes up to make sure she's alright. The wound has already been stitched well, all we need to do is make sure it stays disinfected. Until then, you two should get some rest."

Wanda was quick to shake her head, "I'm not leaving her side." The accent that had toned down in Wanda's voice over time crept up when she said those words, letting it be known how serious she was.

Wanda grabbed a chair and sat down beside you. Bruce and the nurse sighed, and Natasha pat Wanda's back. Wanda only gazed at your sleeping form.

"I'll get some tea," Natasha said. Wanda nodded and Natasha turned and left, along with Bruce and the nurse after her final checks.

Time passed before you woke. Wanda had been waiting on the evrge of patient and impatient for you to come back to the conscious world.

You opened your eyes slowly. When light reached them, you squinted. You looked up, seeing someone next to you. You saw Wanda and smiled softly.

She was asleep next to you, her head laid on your legs. You reached your hand to her and pet her hair softly.

She slowly opened her eyes, your touch easing her awake. When she saw you moving, she quickly sat up. "How are you feeling?" she asked you eagerly.

"I'm good... How long was I out?" you responded.

Wanda answered, "Two days." Your eyes widen slightly, and you hummed.

You sat up in the bed to get yourself up in general. You'd been laying down for two days. Wanda moved closer to you, leaning in slowly with a smile on her face. "I almost thought I'd lost you there," she muttered.

"You could never lose me," you replied with a mirroring smile. She kissed you and you kissed back happily. "I love you," you told her genuinely.

Wanda smiled, "I love you, too." You scooted over to allow her space in the bed next to you. Wanda got in the bed next to you. You held her in your arms as she fell asleep for a little bit, happy that you were awake and safe.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now