My Princess (Wanda)

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The kingdom is in full celebration as the three-day festival finally arrives after a year away. There is no real reason for the festival, other than to give the land a reason to throw parties. With no real purpose, the festival had been dubbed the Radovat'sya Tri Dnya, which translated to the "Three Days Rejoice". Whether or not there is some old legend or holiday that influenced the festival is irrelevant, the only thing that really matters to you at this moment is that your princess is happy.

You walk next to her, metal clinking at the sounds of the chain mail armor adorning your body. Your sword is kept securely at your side, your helmet is discarded for no reason other than the fact that you do not need to wear it for the festival.

People flood the streets. The smells of different foods waft through the air. Children's giggles rage as they scurry around like ants. Music is being played loudly among the crowds as some sing to old folk tales and such. Royalty, countrymen and women, and people of all classes mingle in the streets with little regard to status or classification.

No one cares about those things during the Radovat'sya Tri Dnya. Your princess certainly does not care, whether there are festival days or not. It is one of the things you love about her: she has a kind heart.

As you walk beside your princess, she smiles wide as she looks around at her kingdom. Her hair is let down to flow over her shoulders, the color of strawberries soft in the light of the sun. Her freckles remain uncovered today, clearer on her face as the changing colors of her eyes glint in the daylight.

She has a treat in her hand, enjoyment clear on her face by the way her nose scrunched up with each bite. She turns to see you, and you narrowly escape the eye contact that comes with it. She catches your attention and holds up the treat, "It's really good. You should try it."

You give her a small smile, the corner of your mouth curling as you keep your eyes in front of you and survey the people rushing around in a scramble of excitement. "I know what Sokovian sweet bread tastes like, princess."

She pouts a little, her lip jutting out, "But this isn't made in the royal kitchen. This is hard work by the people. Try it." Her accent is stronger in her voice when she begins to exaggerate in her attempt to make you try the bread.

You sigh with a playful roll of your eyes before opening your mouth to allow her to make you take a bite. You regret to say that she is right, the sweet bread is some of the best treat you had ever had the pleasure of tasting. You just hum, "You're right, it's good."

She is disappointed by your calm response, not enthusiastic enough to earn a prideful smile at being right. She wants to push a bigger reaction from you, but she resigns…for now.

"When will you start calling me Wanda?" she pouts again.

You glance at her then, "When it is with 'princess', or even 'queen', in front of it." She chuckles at your flattery and just weaves her arm through your own. You let her, not having the heart to pull away.

Your smile falls slightly as a man walks over, clearly a prince by the way he dresses and carries himself. It is as if he had taken inspiration from some princess who did not know the meaning of poor…or worse.

The Radovat'sya Tri Dnya is a festival of leisure for all the kingdoms involved, no one cares about anything that is not related to simple fun and pleasure…unless you are a shallow princess looking to take a beautiful princess' hand for her power.

Wanda notices the man as well, for her smile falls slightly before she plasters that little grin you have, at that point, become an expert in differentiating from her genuine smile. Her excitement and calm has vanished and is replaced with poise and a royal stature.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now