Escape (Wanda)*

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Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral, fingering, multi-orgasm, lesbian sex, cum eating, swearing, adultery, porn with a sweet ending.


There were many secrets buried deep within Westview. The quiet, little known town turned into a heaping pile of deep and dark secrets that dared never be revealed the moment Wanda stepped foot in it. A perfect life was built around everyone, established in every home, contained and controlled by the magic that was buried deep within Wanda's soul.

But buried even deeper within the secrets of this sleepy town lived an unknown that Wanda hoped never to be revealed. And, in that unknown, there was a truth that was pure but dark. This truth was one she hoped to keep away from anyone or anything that ever meant to harm it, for it was something she cherished possibly even more than her beloved husband, Vision-or rather, someone.

That secret was you.

Unlike the rest of the townspeople who had become mindless zombies for Wanda's magic to control, you were in full possession of free will. You were Wanda's secret that no one could ever find out about. Why? There was a pocket of time between every big event that brought the Avengers to the strange, rebirth stage they had reached. In between one of those pockets came you. You met Wanda and she liked you. The two of you would sneak away from the prying eyes of the public and go on secret dates that no one was to know about. Your liking grew into a pining love on your end and a sort of addiction on her own, which soon became an unspoken dream when you both faded from the world.

When everything came back, Wanda found you again, but she was devastated. She had lost Vision, this semi-person she had feelings for-even with you in the picture. She wanted to make everything right, she wanted to live a perfect life, but she wanted to live that with you.

When Westview became her big show, she slipped away for another pocket of time to bring you with her. You loved Wanda hopelessly, so there was no way you could ever leave her. You agreed to live within her fantasy world, but she could not bring herself to turn you into one of her mindless drones. So, instead, she gave you a separate little secret world under her home where you lived for her, with her. She spent her nights with you, wrapped around you, tangled with you, or laying beside you. You were happy, and you were content with being whatever she needed you to be. For, in this little world of you and Wanda, you were completely at her mercy without the mind control to ensure it.

It had been quite a rough day for Wanda. She was tired, and she was frustrated with her husband. He was learning too much, and she had no idea how to fix it, how to keep it completely under control without it being under her control. As if fighting with her husband was not enough, that pesky organization who would not just leave her alone was becoming an overbearing problem. To put a cherry on top of her shit pie, her neighbor was a little too nosy about what she did when she was away, and it was beginning to make her paranoid. The only thing she needed right now was to leave this imperfect perfect world she made for herself, to find solace in you and your perfection that always made her feel better.

As she descended down the steps of the basement, she kept looking over her shoulder to shield herself from any prying eyes she felt might have been on her. She spread her magic through the town, making sure her retreat was lost on her nosy viewers with static screens.

With the flick of her wrist and the red wisps on her fingers, a deep, red door opened to present her with the passage to the small, little shelter she created specifically for you underneath her house.

She pushed the door open slowly and closed it tight behind her. When you looked over your shoulder at her, providing that lovesick smile you gave her every time she came to see you, she felt her heart fluttering as she was beginning to be put at ease.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now