Soul Scars (Wanda)

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Warnings: Self-harm, anxiety

You struggled with anxiety for years. Your family was hard on you and it affected your social life as well. It was hard to get on, no matter how hard you tried. You did your best to avoid the harmful ways of coping, but it was the only thing that really did anything for you - even if it meant hurting her, too. You knew it was wrong because of the soulmate connection, but you weren't contributing in a good way so what did it matter.

You were locked away in your house, sitting in your room. You winced slightly at the sting, the pain sinking in next. As the blood dripped down to the towel on your lap, you took in a deep breath.

Wanda, on the other hand, gasped in surprise, looking down at her arms in confusion and shock. When she saw the cuts on her wrists, she covered it with her other hand.

"Wanda, you good?" Steve asked. She looked at him and nodded, "Uh- yeah! Just...give me a moment. I'll be right back."

She left quickly to her room, closing and locking the door behind her. She looked at the cuts again, a bit of blood beginning to seep from the wounds. She covered her arm again, closing her eyes as a red glow came from her hand. When she looked again, the cuts were gone.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked herself, the question directed to you somewhere in the world. She thought for a moment, clearly, it wasn't going to stop there. She needed to get to you, to assure you that everything was okay.

But how?

She didn't know what you looked like or where you were. She'd never met you before, how was she supposed to find you and help you?

She had to think, find some way to get to you before you did too much to hurt yourself. She winced as she felt another pierce on her arm. She needed to think fast.

Perhaps the soulmate bond would help her. Maybe she could use it to locate you. Wanda opened her hand and the red sparks and wisps materialized in the air. She felt the magic in her and closed her eyes to get a better visible, searching for the magical bond that was your soul.

She'd never done it before, it was all new to her. But she was willing to try anything if it meant she could save you. In her search, she came across a strange feeling. She dove into it and was shocked to see that it had worked.

Soulmate's souls were intertwined, that's why they had the effects they do. It would make sense for a piece of your soul to be with her, she just didn't know she'd be able to see it.

She also didn't realize just how broken it seemed.

She could see the difference in the two souls - hers and yours. Hers looked like her magic, it was a mixture of the most beautiful reds: crimson, maroon, candy apple. They mixed together in sparks and wisps, it was bright like fire and pulsed like a heartbeat. It was alive.

Yours, on the other hand, was much different. It was a dull color, so dull she could barely make a color out of it. It didn't pulsate, there were no sparks or glows - it barely even moved. The soul looked like it was dying, like it was breaking or tearing itself apart. The wisps of it moved slowly and they spread all over the place, barely together at all. Some of them were barely visible and others were slowly fading away.

The core seemed like it was reaching out to something, grabbing and searching for something to grip, but the farther it reached, the less gravity it held to the core until it disappeared.

The sight almost made Wanda cry, she didn't know just how badly you had been hurting until now. She stretched her magic to the dying soul, gently reaching as to not risk shattering it. As her magic stretched, her own soul did as well, moving to engulf the desperate, colorless wisps.

When she felt she had a good enough grip, she traced it to find a location, looking for your physical being. She didn't expect to open her eyes and find herself standing in a very different room with a very different atmosphere.

She gasped slightly, looking around her to see where she was. Her eyes landed on a form hunched over on her bed. Wanda's face fell into a frown as she walked over slowly, her hands in front of her in a defensive way to show that she wasn't going to hurt you, "Hello?"

Your breathing stopped and you turned around to see who was in your house. When you saw the woman standing there, slowly approaching you, you instinctively moved to the other side of your bed in the far corner away from her.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" You asked.

Wanda looked down at your hand, the blade you were using was gripped in your hand to use as a weapon. She spoke gently, "My name is Wanda. I'm...I'm your soulmate."

You blinked, you were unsure of that. "I...You're lying."

"Am I?" She asked, pinching her shoulder. You winced and covered your shoulder. You looked back at her in shock, "How...How did you get here?"

By now, Wanda was standing in the room at a safe distance away, enough to give you the space you needed. Her hands were down as she looked at you, caution all over her features. She lifted her hand up to show you a small, red orb that she twisted around her fingers before disappearing, "I have magic. I found you through our connection."

You breathed in deeply and then looked back at her wrists, the cuts were still there. You frowned deeply and tears came to your eyes as you slowly lowered the blade. "I-" you tried getting the words out but your throat felt tight, "I'm sorry."

She closed her eyes and shook her head gently, "You don't have to apologize."

"But I hurt you."

"No, I'm fine," she said, covering her wrists with her hands and using her magic to heal herself, thus healing you. "You see? I'm perfectly fine."

You swallowed hard, staring down at your arms, which now looked untouched, besides the fact that there was still blood on them.

What's your name?" Wanda asked you gently.

You sighed and answered, "I'm Y/N."

Wanda smiled slowly, a soft smile that graced her lips. Something about it made you feel good. It was a simple beauty that you found you appreciated. You managed to smile a little yourself, and it made her own smile grow. "Can I sit?" She asked.

You nodded and scooted over to allow her space on the bed next to you. She sat down and her eyes went back to your hands. She grabbed them gently, her hands covering yours as she told you gently, "What's wrong?"

You frowned again and looked down at your hands in hers. You couldn't stop the tears as you started confessing. You told her everything and she listened with extraordinary patience. At the end of it, she was already hugging you, calming you with her arms wrapped around your body.

It felt good to have somebody listen to you and dry your tears. She told you gently, "I'm here now. I'm not letting you go. You won't have to worry about anything anymore because you're not alone. Alright?"

You looked at her and smiled, hugging her tighter, "Alright."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now