When The Soul Dies (Natasha)

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Author's Note: A lot of you weren't satisfied with the ending because the Red Widow failed her mission. Well what if she succeeds? You asked for this...
P.S: Special thanks to the beautiful mind of Hollowknight_trash for her wonderful help...


"Mission in progress," you said, your voice recorded for the Red Room, "Targets identified."

"Do they suspect anything of you?" the director asked you.

You shook your head, "Not a thing. I'm completely unsuspected."

"And Romanoff trusts you?"

"Whole-heartedly," you answered.

"Good," he replied, "You've gained their trust throughout the year. Use it."

"I won't let you down, sir," you said. He grunted in response, "After failing your last two missions, you had better not. Or the consequences will be deadly."

You nodded stiffly, "Of course, sir." He hung up the call and you sighed heavily, stashing your guns in your sides as you got ready for the upcoming mission.

You moved to the kitchen, grabbing the snack bars you had habitually begun giving the Avengers before missions. You passed them out to the team, "Eat up. Let's go."

"Thanks," they said as they headed out of the door. Bruce was last to head out, grabbing the second to last bar, anxious because of his potential call on mission.

Everyone loaded onto the jet as you quickly ate your bar. The jet headed out and to the mission, reaching the destination within a few hours while Steve explained the plan. You got out of jet, getting to your position. The first shot was made and you all began to shoot at the agents coming toward you.

Bruce was still in the Quinjet, waiting on the order he hoped never came for the Hulk to join mission. They wouldn't have him join unless they needed it. You would make sure they needed it.

After a while, Steve still had not called for the Hulk. You pressed a button on your wrist brace, "Send in more units."

Just then, another flourish of agents came running to the scene, the Avengers sighing as they got ready to continue their fight. When Steve still didn't make a move for the comms, you grunted lightly and ordered more through the comms.

Steve groaned, "Banner, we need you, pal."

You hid your smirk, gripping your guns as you looked over your shoulder. Bruce slowly creeped out of the jet, tugging at the sleeves of his shirt as he walked over to Thor's side quite a few yards from you nervously. Thor gave him a broad smile, and patted his back, "Come now, Banner. You've got this."

Bruce gave a half-hearted smile and you saw him getting ready to transform into the Hulk. You gave the signal and one of the agents shot at Bruce in the middle of his transition.

Just before the Hulk could make his appearance, there was a loud explosion as you all turned to cover yourselves. Something wet, gross, and chunky covered everyone in the area. You all caught your breaths before turning back to him. Blood and grime covered everyone as they were covered in what remained of the late Bruce Banner.

"What the hell happened?" Steve asked as he looked around. The only thing left of him in one piece was a shoe.

"He just..." Clint trailed, "He just exploded."

The agents retreated while the group recovered. "Bruce is fucking dead!" Tony yelled, fear and anger rising in his tone as he stumbled back.

Your face was covered in feigned shock, mostly impressed that your idea worked. You had filled Bruce's snack with miniature explosives meant to set off as soon as he shifted. The bullet was meant as a cover, as a diversion.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now