Mjolnir (Nat/Wanda)

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"Alright, friends," Thor announced as he stood to his feet, his hands smoothing along his pants as he grabbed his hammer. "Loki and I shall return in no time." He ushered toward his sibling and they both left to take care of whatever errand they were running.

You were not paying attention. Your eyes had been on the hammer as you sat on the couch with Natasha's fingers stroking through your scalp and Wanda's hands playing with your fingers. They had been practically grooming you the whole time as most of the team watched whatever TV show was playing. You hardly noticed as you watched Thor leave the room with Loki joking light-heartedly at his side.

As soon as they were gone, you snatched the remote and turned to the team as they complained and shouted at you after you paused the show. "What gives, Y/L/N?" Tony threw his arms up and shook his head, clearly annoyed by your antics.

"How do you think Thor's hammer works? Is it a strength thing or what?" you asked. The question had been eating you up the whole time as your girlfriends shamelessly groomed you.

Clint, sitting on the floor next to Kate in front of the couch across from you, just waved a hand dismissively before holding his hand out the remote, "We already tested this. It's some crazy bullshit. Now give me the remote."

You pulled it out of his reach and rolled your eyes, passing it to Wanda, who nonchalantly stuffed it in her

shirt to keep from the boys. They groaned, ad libs of "c'mon"s and "hey"s scattering around the room in protest. You scoffed, "What, is it just a hammer that is so heavy that no one else can pick it up?"

"No, it's not heavy. I think it's just some kind of magic," Steve shrugged as he crossed his arms over his chest, shifting slightly as he stood behind the couch Tony was sitting on. Tony rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Oh, whatever. You can actually lift it, wise guy." Yelena, sitting next to Peter, shook her head in response.

Peter, from his place in front of you while your free hand absent-mindedly brushed through his hair, spoke up, "But, like, doesn't that make even less sense? Magic that only exists when you're worthy?"

"No," Bucky started, dragging out the word as he raised a hand toward Peter. He was sitting between both couches next to Sam, both with their legs crossed as they looked between everyone. "No, it doesn't."

Sam and Rhodey nodded in agreement as Sam started explaining, his fingers pointing around at everyone and in the direction the gods left in. "No, see, 'cause Thor is a god and the hammer is his. Only he can use it."

Bucky agreed, "Yeah, it's like Y/N touching Nat's hair."

"Or Loki touching their own," Kate nodded.

Wanda raised a hand, "No, see, that's where you're wrong. I have full access to Tasha's hair, just like Y/N."

You nodded, "Yeah, and Loki lets me braid theirs."

Steve also shook his head in agreement, "Yeah, because I can lift the hammer, too."

A symphony of grunts and groans rose around the living room as you tossed your heads back and rolled your eyes. "Ugh, we know!" "We know you can lift it!" "Shut it, Rogers!" He just raised his hands in defense with a smile, faking innocence. He came around from his standing position behind the sofa Tony was reclining on next to Bruce and moved to sit at the free space on the other side of your own couch.

Natasha raised a hand as he spoke over the mumbling. "Woah, woah, woah. Hang on!" she called as everyone quieted down to listen. "What if Thor has his hand on the hammer?" You tilted your heads and looked at her in question. Rhodey seemed to understand as he pointed eagerly to her from his seat next to Tony. She elaborated, "If Thor's hand is on the hammer does his...'god magic' rub off? Like, could I lift it after, do you think?"

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now