Worship Her (Wanda)*

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Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral (wanda receiving), fingering, multi-orgasm, lesbian sex, cum eating, overstimulation, praise kink, sub!wanda, dom!reader, slight dumbification, r speaking Russian because it makes Wanda happy, face riding, constant consent, body worship...
P.S: This will not have a part two. :)


How it happened? Wanda could not really tell you. At that moment, there was not a lot she would be able to explain. One thing led to another. Things picked up so quickly—she hardly had any time to comprehend what was going on after that "yes" that she gave to you.

All she knew was the indescribable pleasure you were giving to her with nothing but your tongue and your fingers.

You had been on your phone beforehand, scrolling through it on some social media while your wife watched TV in the living room. It had been a slow day, nothing was happening in your little home as time progressed inch by inch, as if the day was waiting for something.

Then, all of a sudden, you came rushing into the room with a smirk on your face. Wanda had not paid you any mind at first as she channel surfed some cooking shows in search of something interesting. But then, you stormed over to the couch she was lounging on, grabbed her by her waist, and kissed the hell out of her. It was like you had been deprived of her lips for years and were finally seeking solace in her now.

She yelped slightly, gasping into the kiss as you slowly leaned her back against the couch. The kiss was long and bruising, desperate and excited. By the time you finally pulled away, both your lips were plump and kiss-swollen. Immediately, you dragged your tongue and teeth along the skin of her throat, tasting her with that same smirk.

"What's gotten into you?" she giggled, still catching her breath from the sudden kiss.

Your lips pressed against her pulse just under her jaw, kissing and sucking it as you inhaled the scent of her natural perfume. "Do you know what day it is?" you finally answered her. She could feel your smirk widen at the question.

She shrugged, closing her eyes to feel your lips as her hands rested on your neck and shoulders. "Friday?" she asked, tilting her head a little to give you more access. Your hands were already roaming from her hips, gripping her thighs and smoothing down her chest to her belly.

You shook your head, "No. Try again."

She shook her head, letting out a contented sigh mixed with a breathy laugh. "Um, June 24th?"

"Not the date, the day," you insisted. "One more try." Your mouth slipped down from her neck to her chest as your hands teased the removal of her shirt by fiddling with the hem.

She opened her eyes to look down at you, partly hooded by the lust that suddenly filled her and almost wide as some concern slipped in her for just a moment. "It's not our anniversary." She stated it as a fact, but part of her words were panicked as she pinpointed in her head your anniversary day.

You looked up at her and eased her worries with a simple shake of your head. "No." She sighed, but her relief was interrupted by you practically ripping her shirt from her body. She protested for only a moment, saying something about how that was one of her favorites. Her annoyance was interrupted by your lips connecting with her breast, sucking hard on her nipple as your tongue curled and swept over it.

A loud moan erupted from her throat, especially when your hand grasped her other mound, flicking and groping her with a moan of your own. Her hips ground into you and you had to use your free hand to keep her still, pressing her into the cushions of the couch so she could not move as easily.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now