Can A Soul Mend? (Natasha)

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"My Red Widow," the director said as you walked into the room, stopping with your hands crossed behind your back. "I have mission for you." He handed you a folder with the information for the mission you were receiving.

"You've killed one Avenger," it took everything you had not to flinch, "What's another one on your record?" You opened the mission file and saw a picture paperclipped to the top of the pages.

You removed it from the page, bringing it closer. "Your target is Hawkeye, Clint Barton himself." You looked up at him, a small smirk tugging at your lips. He let out an open mouthed smirk as he nodded, "You like this one, eh?"

You clipped the photo and moved the folder behind your back, nodding with your small smirk, "I won't let you down, sir."

He nodded, clasping his hands, "I know you won't." He waved his hand towards the door and turned back to the papers on his desk, "Now go away." You nodded to him and left the office to set out on your mission.

To kill the man who stole Natasha from you.

So you set everything up, and you waited. You waited for a long time. You had half a mind to go back, go to that small little farm his family lived on and draw him to you.

But you were not desperate.

Because you waited, and he wandered into your trap. He slowed suddenly, looking around him. You immediately set off the bombs from the top of the building, your gun still aiming at him. He ducked and covered, grabbing his gun from inside his jacket and moving to a perch. You were quick to shoot, as he ended up choosing the spot at the top of a building across from you. He was quick to look up at you, rolling out of the way. He aimed his gun at you and shot, you had to do quite a lot to avoid getting hit, but that didn't stop him from grazing you.

You backflipped off the building, pulling out your doublesticks and hitting his shots away. When he stopped shooting at you, he straightened, "You comin' to kill me too?"

You grunted, "Obviously. You were both slow."

You both stayed behind your shelters, looking over your shoulders a few times. You gripped your gun tightly and Clint spoke from around the corner, "So you really don't care, huh? She told me about you, every day. She said you were her partner, you were her friend. You betrayed her."

You turned the corner, shooting at him as you yelled, "You don't know anything about me! She betrayed me first. I loved her!"

He turned the corner then, ducking out of the way as he shot at you. The bullet lodged in your shoulder and you faltered. "She loved you."

He stood over you now, his gun in hand. He pulled out handcuffs, holding them at his side. Your mouth fell open.

Failure was not an option.

Capture was even worse.

He grabbed your shoulder and you bit his hand. You swept a leg under his feet, making him fall to the ground. You leaned over him, your legs on either side of his chest as you began punching him. "And what was it you said to her?"

You punched him again. He groaned as he spoke again, "Love isn't real." Your eyes widened and you punched him again, "Shut up."

"Just a bunch of chemicals."

"Shut up!"

You brought your gun back out, aiming it at his bloodied face, "You don't know anything about me."

You began to squeeze the trigger. You heard the gunshot, but it wasn't from your gun. You grunted and Clint moved you off of him, standing as he walked to the shooter. He pulled her into a quick hug and said, "You have interesting taste, Nat."

You turned around slowly and saw Natasha, her hand trembling by her side as it clenched the gun. Your eyes filled with tears as you saw her. "Natasha," you whispered, holding your bleeding shoulder where her bullet had lodged.

"Y/N," she said, walking over to you. Clint leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. "How are you still alive?" you asked with a trembling voice.

She walked over to you, standing just above you. "You're always supposed to confirm the kill, Y/N. You didn't. I called Clint after you left."

You looked at him and he waved at you. When you turned back to Natasha, the barrel of her gun was pointed toward you. You took a breath in and sighed, laying back on your elbows as you looked up at her.

She then turned the gun around, the handle toward you. "Are you going to finish the job?" she asked.

Clint stepped forward, "Natasha, are you crazy?"

She didn't respond to him, just held the gun out toward you. You looked at her and then it, reaching your hand out and grabbing it. You sighed as you looked at the gun in your hand, pointing it at her. "What is love, Natasha? Just chemicals?"

Her lip twitched into a side smirk and she shrugged with a nod, "Yeah... and no."

You furrowed her brow, the gun in your hand trembling but aimed right at her temple. She knelt down in front of you, "Love is letting someone make it up to you. It's taking someone's hand, and promising to care for them, promising to trust them."

She set her forehead against the barrel, closing her eyes. "Do you trust me?" she asked.

You held the gun firmly in your hand, the handle being warmed by your grip. It clattered to the ground and you gasped lightly, "I love you."

She smiled, opening her eyes as a tear slipped from it. She pulled you forward into her arms. You immediately pushed away from her, startled by her move. "Hey, it's just a hug," Natasha chuckled lightly. She moved slowly and wrapped her arms around you. You slowly settled into the hug, your arms moving to wrap around her. She whispered to you, "Я скучал по тебе, Y/N." (I missed you.)

You couldn't stop your tears, "Прости меня, моя дорогая." (Forgive me, my love.)

She got you to your feet and Clint walked over, handcuffing you. You winced, only because of what this meant for the Red Room. You whispered to her, "They'll come after me."

Natasha told you gently, "We'll protect you."

"Will we?" Clint asked. She shot him a look and he held his hands in defense, "Alright, you're the boss."

Natasha held you to her side as she helped you walk. She kissed the side of your forehead, pulling you aside as she told you, "I promise you, I won't abandon you again. I'm sorry about what I did, but I promise I won't hurt you again."

You leaned your head on her shoulder with a smile, "I promise I won't try to kill you again."

"That's a good promise," she chuckled, "Now let's get you a medic before you bleed to death."

"Good plan," you told her.

She took you to the Avengers Tower of all places. They fixed your wounds (Clint's as well) and threw you in a cell. It took months for them to trust you enough to let you out, to go on a mission with them to prove your loyalty.

But you weren't loyal to them, you were loyal to Natasha. She protected you again the Red Room, the two of you fought together to right what you did wrong. You stuck to your promises and never hurt one another ever again.

You didn't know if you could mend your soul, but you were willing to try for Natasha. And if it didn't work, if your soul would always remain broken, you could live with that. As long as you had Natasha with you, you could live with your broken heart, your broken mind, and your broken soul.

Because love was letting someone help you. Love was trusting and being trusted. Love was caring for someone, through anything and everything. Love was to stay, and not to abandon. Love was not to betray.

And most of all, love was a bunch of chemicals your brain releases so you know you want someone, that you care for someone. That's all it was. Just chemicals.

At least, they would be if it was real...

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now