Run Away (Wanda)

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Your mother and father used to tell you how they met all the time. Their sweet story made you smile and beg for them to tell you again.

"Just one more time, please! Then I'll go to bed, I promise," you pleaded.

They would laugh and walk up to the bed next to you. They always told you the story like a bedtime story, instead of talking from memory, they'd talk from a true story.

"They met at school, that's how it goes. Some drinks and then a rose. Then plans to meet again," he would start.

"He wrote her poems, songs, and prose. She knew that he'd propose. She only wondered when," she would continue.

"One night before they went to bed, he kneeled on both knees, and this what he said." They would kneel beside you and tell you while tucking you in, "'I may not be wise and I won't save the day, but look in my eyes and know I'll always stay, and I won't run away.'"

You smiled and listened, knowing the story by heart. "Some years went by, they had a child, she was funny, strange, and mild. Their love for her ran deep. Some nights, her dreams would drive her wild, so into bed she piled to help her fall asleep."

"One night, she couldn't get to bed, so she kneeled on both knees and this is what she said. 'I may not be wise and I won't save the day, but look in my eyes and know I'll always stay, and I won't run away.'" They sang, tucking the last bit in and kissing you goodnight. You'd fall asleep with the story fresh in your mind.


Years later you joined the Avengers. You were Tony Stark's assistant, your quick wit and intelligence is what landed you the job.

You had been apart of the team for a while before the beautiful Wanda Maximoff joined. She wasn't the most open person you'd met. She kept to herself, she always seemed down.

So you befriended her and, slowly but surely, she accepted your friendship. You spent so much time with her, her companionship made you smile.

More months passed and you only seemed to get closer to her. When you held her hand, she could feel the meaning behind the gesture deepen with each time. For a while, she fought it. She was scared that if she got too close she'd get hurt.

"Wanda, I'm going out, do you want to join," You asked hopefully.

She slowly shook her head, "No, go ahead. I'll be fine here."

You frowned sadly and nodded, "Okay." You stepped out of the tower and wandered what to do. You just wanted an excuse to go somewhere with her.

You came back after random window shopping to pass the time. You'd come back with a gift for Wanda. You'd keep reaching out to her until she told you to stop.

You stood behind the couch, leaning over the back of it next to her. "I got you something," you told her with a smile.

She looked over, a smile on her own face as she asked, "Oh, yeah?"

You nodded and handed her the small box. She looked at you and then opened the box to see a gorgeous necklace inside of it. She told you, "You didn't have to do this."

"I know, but I wanted to." You told her sincerely. She smiled and put it on. You told her, "Oh, also."

You reached in your back pocket and carefully pulled a rose from it, "I also got this for you." She began to smile, but it slowly fell.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now