Bats (Wanda)

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"I don't think this is the best idea." Wanda called after you as she used her powers to lower you down under the bridge.

You called up, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Please don't drop me." You said as she slowly and carefully got you under the bridge.

There was a Halloween Party coming up and Tony asked if you could provide some entertainment with your "little powers". You said you could and that it would be one of the best things he'd ever seen.

Your "little power" was the ability to communicate with animals and sometimes get them to do what you wanted them to. You could easily just make them do it, but you liked to at least ask first, they were more friendly that way.

You sighed and looked up at the bats rustling around upside down under the bridge. They began flying away and you said, "Hang on, I wanna ask you something."

One of the bats screeched, 'What?'

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you'd like to help me perform something. You guys would be the stars of the show."

The bats turned their heads as they continued to screech and flap their wings. Another bat asked, 'What's in it for us?'

You said, "Obviously, there's a reward. If you can put on a show, I'll give you top quality food for a month. Please."

The bats screeched as they thought over the option. They were probably cranky because it was still a little early and they were still trying to wake up.

Soon enough, they agreed happily to your offer. You smiled and thanked them and told them that it would be tomorrow and that it wouldn't be this early.

"Bring me up!" You called. Wanda pulled you back up and set you safely on the bridge again.

You caught your breath and said, "Thank you. They said yes. They'd be happy to do it. And they'll be friendlier later." You narrowed your eyes, "One of them cursed at me. They've been in New York for too long."

Wanda chuckled and the two of you made your way back to the Tower. After dinner with the team, you and Wanda went to bed early so you were up and ready for Halloween the next day.

When Halloween came, you both were up and already in your costumes. You all agreed that you would be wearing your suits at the party tonight and spend the rest of the day in whatever Halloween costume you chose. You and Wanda decided on Emily and Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride. With you as Victor, dressed in a suit and tie and Wanda in a dress with a believable skeletal arm, you were all set for Halloween.

Stepping out of the Tower, you were immediately swarmed by press and reporters trying to take your pictures and asking why you chose that outfit.

After escaping them, you spent the day crashing Halloween parties and visiting a couple of schools that didn't recognize Halloween as a holiday to give them a mini party to distress from a day's hard work. When you went to Midtown High School and saw Peter, you helped him out by calling him over and saying how you knew him. He was very grateful and enjoyed your visit at his school.

You said loud enough for some of the other students to hear, "You're coming to Stark's party tonight, right?"

He asked, "I can come?"

Wanda nodded, "You were personally invited by Stark. You didn't get the invitation?"

He shrugged, "Guess not. Sure, I'll be there. Can I bring Ned and MJ?" You nodded and told him a simple 'of course'.

When evening slowly approached, you waited a little while longer for the sun to fully set before you and Wanda headed out to the same spot you'd found the bats the day before. Wanda used her magic once again to lower you under the bridge so you could talk to the bats.

"Ready? I'll be calling you down in maybe an hour or two." You told them. The bats screeched once again and flapped their wings like they did before.

'We're ready. Whenever you call.' They replied. You nodded and thanked them before having Wanda let you back up.

You got back to the Tower and changed into your suits, heading to the party downstairs. It was loud and crowded, but you enjoyed the music and meeting some of the visitors. Tony made his way over to you, "Hey, kid. You got the entertainment?" You closed your eyes and sent your call to the bats and then told Tony, "Yep, on their way."

After a minute or two, there was a series of screeches as the bats flew over to the party. Everyone was escorted to the roof of the building so they could see the bats. Everyone said their "oo"s and "ah"s, but that wasn't even the performance.

You stood up on a higher platform and used a telepathic link to speak with the bats so you could control where they went. They allowed you to maneuver them and you guided them around in the air. The audience was amazed at the show and it took a moment for them to realize you were the one who arranged it.

The bats seemingly danced in the air in their rhythmic flight for a while before you let them go. They did a swoop over the crowd before breaking away to do their night's business.

They applauded you and you took the praise before adding at the end, "And give it up for our special guests, the bats of New York!"

They clapped and cheered before heading back to the party. Tony passed by you as you all headed back inside and told you, "Great job, kid. You really outdid yourself."

You smirked, "Just wait. Next year, I'm using cats and bats. Maybe Wanda will throw in some pumpkins, if you ask nicely."

Wanda laughed and came back to your side. "Great job this year."

You smiled at her, "You get a show whenever you want. Just ask, and it's yours." You kissed her then and she chuckled, "I know. I love you."

You responded, "I love you, too."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now