"Secret" Santa (Wanda)

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Pietro reared his head around the corner as Maria finished filling in each of the Avengers' cubbies with note cards. The team was arranging a Secret Santa, to make sure all the assigned names were unknown to everyone, Maria was the one who would be giving out the names.

As she left the room, Pietro quickly snuck over to them and went through each of the cubbies until he found the two names he had been searching for. He put your name card into Wanda's cubby and her name card into yours, mixing everyone else's up before disappearing again.

Soon enough, a couple of the members came down to check their boxes. "Oh, the Secret Santas came in," Natasha announced as she grabbed her mail and card out of the box.

The rest of the team came down and searched their cubbies for their belongings. When you saw the name written on your Christmas decorated card, you flushed and kept your eyes away from anyone to avoid giving your card away.

When you were sure no one was watching or listening, you shuffled over to Tony and asked in a whisper, "Who did you get?"

Tony showed his card to you, "Thor. What about you?"

You showed him your card and he raised an amused brow, "What are the odds?" You saw him glance up, looking at someone, before looking back at you as you started walking away from the group.

"What are you getting him?" you asked.

He shrugged, "I don't know. It won't be hard, he's fascinated by a lot of Earthly things."

"You're right about that," you mumbled.

"What about you?"

You shrugged as you flushed again, biting your lip as you thought, "I don't know. Wanda doesn't even want a present. Every time I ask her what she wants for birthdays and things, she tells me not to get her anything so I only manage a card..."

Tony patted your back and said, "I'm sure we can figure something out." He turned to you as you stopped in the hall, "Tell you what, we'll both go around the city tomorrow and look for gifts. Whatever you want to get her, I can do."

You smiled up at him, "You're the best, Stark."

He shrugged, "What are friends for?"

You went to your room and flipped through a little notepad in your drawer, flipping to a page that had some of Wanda's likes on it. You knew she liked books, and you knew her favorite artists and movies. Maybe you could get her merch? Or maybe a book she's been wanting do a while...

You had no idea, you would have such a hard time picking the perfect gift. It needed to be perfect. Maybe this hear you would be able to get a gift for her that you would be able to confess to her with.

You had been in love with Wanda since the first day you joined the Avengers. You had been Tony's assistant for years, and he eventually let you join the Avengers when you made an invention that saved his life during one of his missions.

Wanda was having a similar dilemma as she looked at her card. Pietro swung his arm around her shoulder and lead her back to their rooms as he asked, "Who'd you get?"

"Y/N," she muttered. "I don't know what to get her... What about you?"

She scoffed lightly, "I've got Stark. This'll be a interesting gift exchange."

She hummed, "What do you think she'll like?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not the one with a planet sized crush on her."

Wanda turned on him, using her magic to summon a pillow before hitting him in the face with it. "Hey!" he laughed.

"Stop it! You're supposed to be helping me!" she laughed to herself, huffing as she looked back at the card.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now