You Keep The Pain Away (Wanda)

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In this world of soulmates, pain was hard to find. Once you found your soulmate, you almost never felt pain.

You, however, haven't felt pain. You didn't know what pain was like anymore, either you wore it out or you just never experienced it, you didn't know...

All you knew was that Wanda made you happy and there was never a moment with her that you felt pain, that you felt empty. She made you content, she made your life one full of love.

And how you loved her.

Her smile was beautiful, her eyes shine bright, she was like a diamond worth more than the universe and life itself.

And she loved you.

She could always sense how you were feeling, as soulmates could, and she was surprised when there was never a moment of pain, even when you were physically hurt. You never felt it.

So life was easy for you, which was kind of strange.

But it was strange, wasn't it? Never feeling pain, sorrow, anxiety, guilt, regret, nothing. The only thing that came close to pain was feeling empty, which happened before Wanda came along and changed all of that.

It was strange to Wanda that you could never feel it. It was so strange. Sometimes, it seemed insulting. Sometimes you'd have a fight and she couldn't sense that you didn't feel anyway about it; you weren't angry or hurt or even sad. The only thing that came close: empty.

You could only sense her pain, but you only sensed it.

It made things like joy and happiness and anything along those lines seem...meaningless. It used to be that way.

Then you met Wanda and it all was worth while.

But you never quite seemed balanced.

Wanda did the best she could to make sure you always seemed happy. You wished you could feel bad about that, making her feel like she had to always make you happy - she already did - but you couldn't feel bad about it.

Because you couldn't feel any type of pain.

"Y/N, come help me make these cookies!" She yelled from the other room, beckoning you over with her beautiful smile.

You smiled back and walked over, kissing her cheek. "Mix that while I grab the chocolate," she told you.

You nodded, "Gotcha."

She turned to the cabinet, grabbed the bag of chocolate chips and came over. "How many?" She questioned, adorably tapping her chin as she decided.

"I think you know," you said, continuing to stir the dough. She nodded, "You're right."

She opened the bag and dumped the whole thing in the bowl and told you to keep stirring. You laughed as you stirred the bowl.

When she determined it was well enough to pop in the oven, she scooted you over and pulled out the cookie she so she could just dump the whole thing on it.

"We're making a giant cookie, it'll be good," she said with a smile. You nodded and kissed her cheek, wrapping your arms around her waist.

"You're the boss, boss," you said.

Her phone started ringing and she turned to it, picking it up as she used her finger to move the cookie dough on the spoon onto the sheet.

"Hello, Steve. What's up?" She asked. She listened before nodded, "Alright." She hung up the phone and turned to you regretfully.

"I have to go," she told you with a slight pout.

You sighed and kissed her, "Okay. I'll see you later, then."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now