Blushing (Natasha)*

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Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral, fingering, strap-on, lap riding, multi-orgasm, mostly sub!Nat and dom!Reader, lesbian sex, cum eating, good girl/praise kink, swearing.

Translations: Просто так - Just like that, Блядь - Fuck, Пожалуйста - Please, моя хорошая девочка - My good girl, Слишком много - Too much.


It was a rest day for the Avengers. They all had been going on missions all week and everyone had collectively decided that a rest day was exactly what they needed.

So, naturally, Natasha went to your home. She had arrived the night before while you were sleeping, using the key you'd given her a while ago to get inside the house. She kicked off her shoes, shucked off her jacket, and made her way to your room quietly.

She lifted the covers from the bed and got in behind you, which gently woke you as you turned to see her. You gave a tired smile and scooted over to allow her more room.

"Hello, beautiful," she greeted you in a small voice. You hummed and she got in behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling your back against her. She kissed the back of your neck and fell asleep next to you.

In the morning, you stretched your limbs before turning around to face the already awake Natasha in your bed. You smiled at her and spoke in a raspy morning voice, "Hello, beautiful."

She chuckled lightly, "Hey. How'd you sleep?"

"Great. I had you with me, didn't I?" you asked.

She shook her head and laughed, "You're such a flirt."

You laid in bed with her a little while longer before finally deciding to get up and take care of your morning business. Natasha appreciated the view of you walking away from the bed in nothing but a pair of panties and one of her shirts.


You both spent the whole day relaxing in the bed as you scrolled through social media, watched TV, and cooked for each other. Or rather, you cooked for her. Natasha was a demon in the kitchen.

You were happy to have her over after her long week. She had allowed herself to really relax and it made you happy that your presence was one that she enjoyed.

She had her nose in a book as you watched her with a smile on your face. She glanced over at you before looking up after she noticed your staring. When she met your gaze, you gasped and covered your face with your hands.

"Y/N?" she asked, tilting her head with a confused look. You just continued to stare at her. She asked again, "Y/N? What is it?"

You told her, "Natasha, it's your eyes."

"What about my eyes?" she asked, getting slightly defensive as you continued to gaze at her.

You finally said, "Tasha, they're the most beautiful, mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen." And you weren't just flirting. They most definitely were.

Her forest green eyes that were usually focused and piercing around others were warm and relaxed, staring back at you with pupils blown wide with love. They were enchanting, like they were created with a spell meant to cause anyone who looks at them to fall in love with her. You could stare at her eyes for hours and never get tired of seeing the love shining in them as she looked back at you.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes before looking back at you. "You're such a flirt," she told you. It was a sentence you heard often. You wiggled a brow as you told her, "I bet the rest of you is too."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now