When Life Gives You Cherries (Wanda)

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It was a late night during the weekend when she came to you, an uneventful night with too many patrons. You were working behind the bar, as per usual, going from customer to customer and serving up drinks for each of them. You heard the familiar sound of the door welcoming one more customer and almost sighed as you got ready to take another order. As you looked up, one hand holding a rag as the other held the cup you were drying off, you paused.

She was new. At least, she was new to you. You had never seen her at the bar before, and she seemed as though she had never been. She looked around, taking in the people, the lights, the walls with her eyes that seemed both green, blue, and gray all at once. She brought a ringed-hand up to her face, brushing a strand of loose strawberry blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail behind her ear, which was also decorated with a plethora of earrings.

She had a frown on her face, a deep one, one you had recognized from customer after customer who came looking for some release from their frustrating lives outside of the building. When her eyes found yours, you offered her a kind smile, which she attempted to return, as she walked over with her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

She sat down at the empty stool in front of you, resting her hands on the counter in front of her as she let out a breath. You took a step closer to the bar, setting the glass down as you continued to offer her a smile in hopes of lifting her mood a little. "Hey," you greeted kindly. "I'm Y/N. What can I get you tonight?"

"Wanda," she replied gently. She seemed to think for a moment, her eyes staring down at her hands, which fiddled in front of her. At some point, she gave up with a shrug of her shoulders and let out another little sigh, "Um, just get me something strong, please."

You nodded, "One Red Roulette coming right up."

She furrowed her brows, tilting her head a little, "What's that?"

"Oh, it's some of our strongest alcohols mixed together in one big concoction that will either get you really drunk really fast or have you throwing up because it tastes like battery acid met Drano. Hence the 'roulette' part because it's definitely a risk to consume," you told her as you turned to go grab the drinks.

Wanda gave a hesitant look as she sat back, moving her hands to her lap, "Actually, I think I'll just get something else."

You laughed lightly as you turned back around, shaking your head gently, "I'm joking. It's a vodka cherry limeade with more vodka than cherry limeade. It's called a roulette because it either helps or it doesn't."

A whisper of a smile curled her lip in response. She gave a breath of laughter. "Okay, well, that sounds much better. Thank you."

You nodded as you gave a 'no problem' over your shoulder. You began making her drink, hardly focused on the process as you took her in. She looked around the bar a little more, her eyes scanning over everything like she was trying to find something to satisfy her, something to lift her mood. One of her hands lifted to her chest, as if she was reaching for something—and she was. Upon further inspection, you saw a thin silver chain around her neck that soon was revealed to have a diamond ring hanging from it.

You furrowed your brows at it, curious at its placing around her neck and not on her fingers which held enough rings as it was. She fingered it for a moment before sighing and returning her hands to a clasped position atop the counter. "So, Wanda, what's your story?" you asked as you put her drink together.

She looked back at you, chuckling lightly but not out of humor. She shook her head a little, "That obvious, huh?"

You lip curled a little and you shrugged, "Everyone who comes to the bar has a story. Something good, something bad, a little bit of both... because they're bored."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now