Nighttime (Wanda)

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Author's Note: Something to read while recovering from murdering the Avengers. Sorry it's short. Have a picture. <3


You often visited Wanda in the middle of the night. Sometimes she was up, thinking or unable to sleep as she stared at the ceiling or read a book to herself. But most times she was asleep, as one would think, dreaming (or even having nightmares) as the world faded around her.

You usually visited because you were bored, or you couldn't get to sleep, or you had a question and didn't bother with Google to have it answered. Wanda had grown used to the routine, she didn't really mind being woken up that much, but she did still enjoy the sleep she got. She was cranky when it got interrupted by you and your incessant questions.

You opened Wanda's door, not bothering to knock before closing it behind you and walking right over to the bed. "Are you awake?" you asked your obviously sleeping girlfriend.

"No," she mumbled, turning around to see you. She looked up at you with tired eyes and an even more tired frown, "What do you want?"

You shrugged, "Company. Move over." She breathed deeply before scooting over to allow you space. You joined her in the bed, wrapping your arms around her body as you pressed your front to her back. You buried your face in her neck and breathed deeply, allowing yourself to fall asleep with her in your arms. She grabbed your hand around her and intertwined your fingers together before letting your calm breathing lull her to sleep.

There would be other nights that played out a little differently. You opened her door once again with no regard for knocking. She looked up at you with her beautiful green eyes, tired and gentle. You gave her a smile, closing the door behind you with your foot as you held your pillow to your chest. "Are you asleep?" you asked your obviously awake girlfriend. She chuckled lightly and nodded, "Yes, come here." She held her arms out for you and you walked over to her and sat in her lap as she moved her book to adjust to you.

She breathed in deeply and kissed the side of your forehead, "What's wrong?" You shook your head, turning to face her with a smiled,"Nothing. Just bored and I miss you."

She hummed lightly, laying back with you against her chest. You adjusted to lay your head on her chest as she held you. She switched off her lamp, pulling the blanket over you before picking up her book with her magic as she combed her hands through your hair. She read gently to you even after you had fallen asleep in her arms. She pressed kisses to your sleeping face and continued to read to you before she eventually fell asleep herself with your arms still anchored around her.

But there were nights when you would visit her because of something you thought or dreamt of, things that bothered you and shook you to your core. You timidly knocked on her door and opened it, not waiting for a response. You closed the door gently and walked slowly over to her. "Are you asleep still?" you asked in a small whisper.

She sighed and looked over to you as she told you, "Stop waking me up in the middle of the night, Y/N."

You hung your head a little and nodded, clutching your giant stuffed animal closer to your chest before burying your face in it. Her brows knitted together as her eyes adjusted in the dark. She frowned sadly as she saw you clenching your favorite giant stuffy tighter. "Sorry, I'll just go. I'll see you in the morning, Wanda," you mumbled.

You began to turn around, but she gently grabbed your arm and turned you around to see her again, "Hey, hey, hey. Come here, sweetheart." She pulled you into the bed, her arms wrapping around you securely as you clutched your stuffy. She kissed your forehead and her frown deepened when she saw your tears beginning to spill. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, gently stroking your hair from your face.

You shook your head, your forehead leaning against her chest as you basked in her feeling. "No, I don't," You whispered, "I love you though."

She nodded and smiled lightly, "I love you too." She kissed your forehead, "Get some sleep. In the morning, I'm making waffles." You managed a genuine smile, getting yourself to sleep contently in her arms.

She combed her fingers through your hair, stroked your cheeks, and kissed your forehead as you slept. She would let herself sleep only after you were fully taken care of and she was sure your mind was free of torment. She even planted a few scenes of peacefulness in your head, just you and her being happy. Then she slept and allowed your presence to give her good dreams.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now