Bad Habit (Nat/Wanda)

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You sat at the table in the kitchen of your small house with Wanda with Natasha as your newest resident of a few months. You both lay your heads on the table, Natasha's eyes closed as her breath stayed even. Your eyes scanned her face, semi-peaceful as her breath blew gently on the surface of the glossy dark wood. Wanda silently joined you both, laying her chin on her hands folded in front of her.

Natasha had been taking naps often, falling asleep any place she felt safe enough to let her guard down. At night you saw that she was more than tired, her arms wrapped tightly around you while yours usually held onto Wanda. You didn't know whether or not she actually got to sleep at night, you too easily fell asleep with them. Wanda noticed the same problem as her eyes darted between you and her.

Soon enough, Natasha stirred as she inhaled deeply. She gave a smile at you both, not moving from her spot. You moved to run a hand through her hair and gave a smile. Your faces were worried as you watched her before Wanda finally asked the question on both your minds.

"Do you sleep well, malyshka?"

Natasha furrowed her brows, wiping the sleep from her face before sighing. "What do you mean?"

"You sleep a lot during the day. Are you getting enough sleep at night?" you asked again, sitting up as she did so herself.

She ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it a little as she sighed again. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Cause you're too busy making sure we're sleeping?" Wanda pitched in. She tilted her head as she took Natasha in. There were dark crests under her eyes, her skin was a little paler than usual from the supposed lack of sleep.

"Don't worry about me," she said, reaching a hand out to pinch her chin. "I'm fine."

Wanda huffed gently, her lips jutting out in a slight pout, "You're lying."

"Sweetheart, you need sleep," you told her with a frown. You placed a hand on her cheek. "We're worried about you. I'm worried about you. You can't take care of people if you're too busy passing out from exhaustion."

Natasha placed a hand over yours, closing her eyes before kissing your wrist. "I'm okay, I promise." Her statement was followed by a yawn she tried to stop, her body shuddering slightly at her show of exhaustion. You both huffed but gave up, letting her stand to get a snack.

It was later on that night when you and Wanda told Natasha you were going out for the night, a last minute solo date that she was more than insistent on making you go on. She always claimed that you all spent too much group time and needed more one on one's every now and then. She also claimed it was her fault, and you would follow it by saying that you were more than happy to have her.

After she shooed you away, you left to take Wanda to a movie and dinner. You skipped the movie (one that was not even planned) and simply went to dinner to give time to stall. You both went home early to confirm what you believed.

At first, you expected to get to the house and see her doing anything but sleeping. But what you found was far more saddening than the former.

As you tip-toed into the room with Natasha sleeping in the bed, her wrist was wrapped in a shiny handcuff attached to the bed. There was a ring on her skin that circled her wrist, a dark purple and red bruise from the cuff. You frowned, Wanda raised her hand and waved it as the cuff released and disappeared into the drawer.

You both crawled into the bed, pressing your back into her as you snuggled closer. She stirred as she woke, a small smile coming to her lips at the sight of you as she wrapped her arms tightly around your body. She expected Wanda to take your side like she always did, but she scooted in behind Natasha instead and pulled her back into her chest.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now