When the Soul Breaks (Natasha)

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You used to think love was real.

You were foolish for it, really you were. The way you were raised, the way you were brought up, you weren't supposed to believe in love. But having Natasha Romanoff by your side in the Red Room, having her as your closest partner and soon friend, it opened up possibilities she didn't think could exist for the two of you. So you were, naturally, inseparable. Even if you weren't supposed to be.

Then she ended up on the SHIELD Organization's radar. Some agent named Clint Barton was sent to kill her, but made the decision to take her instead. He took her from you.

She joined SHIELD, she told them that she would help them, be better. You just assumed that it was a rouse, you assumed she would pretend to join so she could take them down from the inside-out. It's what she did, it's what you did together.

But it wasn't a rouse, it wasn't a trick. Because you went to join her, to save her one day, and she refused you.

So you did it instead.

You pretended to join SHIELD, pretended to be an ally. They soon called your trick and came after you. So you ran, you tried to get Natasha to join you. You tried to get her to come with you. You were partners, you loved her. She loved you, didn't she? You had been through so much together for so long. How could she not love you the way you loved her?

As you held your hand out to her in that moment, she shook her head, her gun still raised at your head as it trembled. "Natasha, come with me. Please, come with me. I love you, and I need you by my side. We've been together for so long, you can't leave me now... Please."

She lowered her gun, sighing deeply as she shook her head again. "No, Y/N. You need to come with me, make things right. We can be better."

Your heart broke at her words. She would only want you if you decided to change. She would only want you if you joined her. "Natasha, please," you begged her, "I love you."

She told you firmly, her accent still strong as she spoke to you, "Y/N, love isn't real. It's just a bunch of chemicals your brain releases so you think you want someone, that you care for someone. That's all it is, chemicals and nothing else."

You shook your head as you stared at her in disbelief, "So none of this was real, you and me? Partners, friends? None of it?"

"Y/N, just-"

"No, Natasha!" you yelled, wiping at your face, "Forget it." You sighed heavily, raising your gun and shooting it next to her head as you ran off. When she turned around, you were gone.

You were the thunder, and she was the lightning. You were just partners, assassins, villains,and you were in it together. Until she decided to become the hero. She had broken your heart like you believed no one could. And for that, you would destroy her.

You ran for months, hid for longer. You had orders not to return to the Red Room facility until SHIELD stopped looking for you. When you were finally clear to return, you did. Since their precious Black Widow turned on them, betrayed them - betrayed you - they poured more attention into their second greatest assassin. You.

You were cycled through the Red Room a second time. You were named their Red Widow, you trained to become deadlier than the Black Widow herself. They broke your mind, formed it to stay in line with theirs so you didn't stray.

One day, they deemed you ready. They said you were capable of the mission they were bestowing upon you. What was your mission?

Kill the Black Widow.

"I won't fail you," you stated.

The director chuckled, his face only a few uncomfortable inches in front of you. "I know you won't," he said, his voice gravely and thick, "Because if you do, you'll have to pay the consequence, and they won't be pretty."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now