Choice (Wanda)

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"Guys, this is our newest recruit," Steve introduced as he stepped to the side for you. You gave a small wave, your eyes never meeting anyone and your face turned into somewhat of a permanent frown. "Hi, I'm Y/N," you muttered.

Natasha spoke next to you so you didn't have to--Natasha and Steve were sent on a mission that lead to you. Now you were joining the team as the newest recruit. "She's going to be staying with us from now on, which means behave. I'm looking at you, Tony."

He raised his hands in defense, "You got powers, Newbie?"

You nodded a little, raising your hand. He watched as it began to freeze over, an icy fog surrounding it as frost pricked at your skin. Tony smirked a little, "Ah, so we've got an ice queen. Don't worry, Elsa here will feel right at home."

Natasha chuckled humourlessly, "She might if you refrain from calling her nicknames right now, Stark."

He shrugged a little and Steve glanced around the room. "Where's Wanda?" he asked, his brows furrowing.

Bucky muttered from his spot on the couch, flipping through channels, "Went out for food. She's cooking tonight and no one did any shopping."

Steve raised a brow at Clint, "Weren't you supposed to take care of that this week?"

Clint shrugged, "Something came up and Wanda offered. She'll be fine." Steve hummed and went back to quick introductions--not that you needed them, everyone knew the Avengers. You knew Wanda Maximoff.

Let's just say, you wouldn't hit it off very well.

Natasha gave you a tour of the Tower, showing you around the floors before landing on one and showing you to your room. Apparently, she and Wanda had their own wing that you would be staying in. Perfect, living on the same floor as Maximoff.

Natasha left you to your room, telling you quickly about the systems, introducing you to a JARVIS. You thanked her, and she left you to your business.

You got familiar with your room, sifting through the drawers that ready had clothes in it--and they fit you. Natasha was good.

You grabbed a quick shower to unwind and help you get settled in, letting the cooler water calm your skin. You wished you could take warm showers--hot showers--but they burned at your skin now in an unpleasant way. When you got out, you got into some comfortable clothes (a thin, long-sleeved shirt and some sweats) and pulled a book to read.

There was a knock on your door at some point in time and you went to answer, right after you got over the fact that it wouldn't be anything bad. You opened the door slowly to see Wanda Maximoff standing on the other side. She gave a soft smile, her features calm. Your face, however, hardened. You opened the door a little wider but did not say anything.

"Um, hi," she cleared her throat, "I'm Wanda. I heard there was a new recruit and came to say hello." Her voice held a light accent, and it would have been a sweet sound if you liked her. You still did not reply.

Her eyes carried down to the ground momentarily and she nervously tucked some hair behind her ear, trying to keep a gentle smile, "Alright, um, dinner will be ready soon. I hope you're hungry."

When you still had not replied, she cleared her throat will a light chuckle and turned to leaved with a mumbled goodbye. You huffed slightly and closed the door. You retreated back into your room and continued reading your book as you waited for the food to finish.

All through dinner, you did not speak to Wanda. In fact you made small talk with anyone but her. Bucky and Natasha were the two you gravitated more towards, there was some sort of unspoken understanding amongst them that made it so much easier to be around them. Bucky was a lot livelier than you thought he would be. Sure, at first, the two of you were just staring at each other, but it wasn't long before you were making live conversation--with Natasha's help, of course.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now