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Arc: Level C [Continued]

July 27- *3 years ago*

"We'll be right there as soon as possible, okay Richard?" June exclaims as she runs up to me.

Hia follows after her as well. "Are we leaving that dude here?"

"Hia, how far do you think you can run with that guy on your back?" I point at the man that we questioned minutes ago, who was still out cold.

She turns to look at him for a couple of seconds, then turns back to look back me. "Pretty far. And fast too. He's light, so he won't affect my speed."

"Good." I nod my head. "Then go to Richard's team. Ask Taylor for directions, and tell me once you get there." She nods her head before she prepares to grab the man, though I quickly stop her. I grab one of the few guns on the shelf, and throw it to her. And before she leaves, I say, "Be careful."

She nods her head with a smile, and quickly runs off with the man on her back.

"K-Ken. What do we do?" June nervously asks. "Will they be okay?"

"They'll be fine, don't worry." I look up at the gun rack, and begin to examine some of the guns they had. "I should bring another gun, shouldn't I?"

She nods her head as she walks next to me. "I should grab one as well."

I nod my head before she proceeds. "Then... let's go."


It took about 5 minutes to finally arrive to where the rest of the crew were. Though rather than a ravaging battle between humans and Elites, the scene was mostly calm.

Too calm.

Upon noticing our entrance, Hia runs up to us. "W-what happened?" I ask. "Is everything good now?"

Hia slowly shakes her head as her eyes tear up. Then she suddenly turns around, and faces Noah and Ross. "Why don't you ask them..."

I look over at the two who were idly sitting by, as them and Bassie all sat in silence.

That's when I finally noticed what was off.

"Where's Richard?" I ask as I continue to look around.

"Hia," I hear June say from behind me. "W-what happened?"

She scoffs. "It's all their faults, what did you two do?" she exclaims.

Noah suddenly scoffs as he looks up. "Of course you'd be the one to blame us-"

"You were the only ones there with Richard! Why would he risk his life for the likes of you?"

He scoffs once again before getting up and walking towards us. "Hia...," he says with a smirk, "we all know you're delusional."

She scoffs before responding. "I'm delusional? You-"

"Ken," he interjects before looking at me. "Would you seriously believe her over me? An Elite over me?"

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