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Arc: 7/24 [Continued]

April 8- Day 8C

    "T-turn you in..?" Ace slowly repeats as he look at me, then Stylus.

    Stylus remains silent for a couple of seconds until he finally responds. "I won't turn you in...," he quietly says.

    "And why's that? I'm a threat to society, aren't I?" I respond.

    Stylus remains silent for a couple of seconds once again. Then, he starts to nervously chuckle. "Y-you know I couldn't do that..."

    I continue to look at him until I finally respond once again. "You hate what I do, don't you? You know it's illegal, yet-"

    "I'm not turning you in.. I won't..," he finally says as he looks down. "You know I don't want you doing what you do. Hell, I even managed to get you to stop for 4 months." He chuckles. "I'm pretty sure all of us want revenge against the people who killed your parents. Who killed Echo." He then looks over at Ace. "Who killed Maklen..."


    He cuts me off as he quickly faces me. "But I can't stand seeing what you do!" he yells. "We've all read your files. All of us!" Ivy and Ace look away as Stylus faces me. "You're ruthless... You're fucking wanted! By us!" He scoffs. "All FBHE personnel are required to arrest you on spot. And you know what they'll do once they get their hands on you? They'll fucking execute you!" He continues to look at me as I blankly stare back. Suddenly, he chuckles. "You don't care, do you? You won't stop, even if it mean you'll die..."

    Silence fills the room once again. Zarith is simply chuckling in background as everyone else avoids each other's eye contact.

"It's... It's not too late.," Stylus suddenly says. "If you stop now, they might not worry so much about you. They'll focus their attention more on Percent! Then you could come back, and work with us."

I continue to look at him as Zarith walks up next to me and rests his arm on my shoulder. "That's not an option for me."

All of them simultaneously look at me, surprised. "But.. but why?" Ivy exclaims. "Wouldn't everything be easier like that? Your life wouldn't be at risk-"

I suddenly start laughing as I bury my face in my hand. "You don't understand," I whisper. I slowly look up at them, and smirk. "I can't stop..," I simply answer. "I don't want to stop."

"Ken," Ace suddenly says. "is this even about revenge anymore?"

I look over at him, and simply smirk. "Who knows," I whisper.

They all stare at me in silence, in disbelief. Suddenly, Stylus scoffs. "And it's all because of Zarith, isn't it? He's convincing you to do this; you don't have to!" Suddenly, Stylus quickly activates his power as he creates an ice crystal. He points it towards Zarith, allowing to crystal to quickly be sent to him.

Zarith simply looks up and smirks. He easily catches the crystal between his two fingers, then crushes the ice. "Stylus," he says as his eyes begins to glow, as well as his energy beginning to increase. "I have a contract with Ken. And it doesn't seem like he wants to break it. So whatever you do, whatever you say..." He slowly looks at me. "His final decision will end up being up to him. Whether or not he'll stop, I mean."

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