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Arc: Level C [Continued]

April 10- Day 10B

    Out of thin air?

    I do suppose it makes sense. After all, I've first made a public appearance about a year ago. Though I never realized it would have been that noticeable.

    As he says that, the noises from the sirens come to my attention. I quickly look over to the side, and notice the Sardon Tower. "This is Sardon Tower...," I whisper to myself.

    "Come on, we're almost there," Kaiden mentions as he begins to walk slightly faster.

    "Quite close," I comment, following after him. "Tell me, how come you're so willing to show me to your base? Don't you consider me as an enemy?"

    "I-I," he slightly stutters. "I don't think I really have a choice...," he begins to nervously chuckle.

    I look down at him, as we walk side by side. "You're.... using that as an excuse." I continue to look into his eyes as they widen.

    Suddenly, he looks up at me, then quickly turns away. "An excuse..?" he whisper to himself before we enter a forest. "Um, well just telling you, our hideout is hidden in this forest. There's a cloaking mechanism surrounding the majority of Percent's bases, making it hard for it to be found," he explains as he changes the subject.

    "A cloaking mechanism created by who?" I ask, intrigued.

    "By our leader, I assume." He pushes a couple of leaves and branches to the side as we walk deeper into the forest.

    "Only your leader? He's able to put something like that in each of your bases?"

    "Well, it's not like there's a lot. Oh-," he suddenly says as he cuts himself off. He stops walking as well, then after a couple of seconds, faces me. "Are you good at masking your aura?"

    I scoff. "Pay attention, boy."

    He slightly jolts, then scratches his head as he nervously chuckles. "You already masked it... Ha..."

    "Are you nervous about something?"

    He jolts. "H-huh?" he stutters. "What makes you say that?"

    I sigh. "Never mind. You have work to get to. We can talk later."

    "A-ah.. okay." He continues to walk over to the base.

    "I'll be right behind you," I add as he quickly spins to face me.

    "B-behind me? But they'll see you!"

    "It's fine. I'll be invisible," I respond.

    "Invisible? How will you mask your aura then-"

    I glare at him. "I said we'll talk later, didn't I?"

    He jolts, and quickly turns around to walk towards the building.

    "Alright," I whisper to myself. "I'll be counting on your passive abilities then, Zarith."

    I slowly manage to turn invisible using Zarith's passive ability. Passive abilities shouldn't effect your aura masking since using they barely require any energy at all. Though, if I were to use my main ability, it would be a lot harder to maintain my mask due to the amount of energy it requires.

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