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Arc: Level C [Continued]

April 9- Day 9B

    "I'm not lying, Ken. Why would you say that?" François finally responds after looking at me for a couple of seconds. It's obvious that he is shocked, but he won't admit that he knows.

    "Why can't I remember most of my childhood? Actually, why couldn't I..?"

    "W-what do you mean by couldn't?" he hesitates. "Ken...," he slowly begins. "Tell me what you know."

    "Not much," I respond. "Considering the fact that my memory's been wiped."

    He hesitates to speak, but finally says, "Memory.... from what age?"

    "Five," I say as I cross my arms. "What do you know, Francois? You can't hide everything from me forever."

    "Ken.. I-," he hesitates to say. He looks around, then leans in closer to me. "Ken, I'm so sorry," he begins to say as he shakes his head.

    In disbelief, I respond, "How could you do this?Why? What was the purpose?" I thought that this would be the answer he would give me for a long time. Yet... why does this still hurt?

    "You have to be in your parent's point of view to understand," he attempts to explain.

    I shake my head. "No I fucking don't. You have no idea of the hell I've been through for my whole entire fucking life!" I pause for a couple of seconds as I continue to look at him in disbelief. "How could you have done something like this?" I look at my hands for a couple of seconds. "I may have had people around me that made it better....." I pause as I look up at him. "Yet none of you understood how empty I felt. The more time passed, the worse I felt."

    "I'm so sorry, Ken," he says as he shakes his head. "They only wanted to protect you."

    I slam my hand on the table, causing him to slightly jolt. The tea from the cups drip on the table as well. "Protect me from what?" I yell.

    He looks at me for a couple of seconds, surprised about my sudden outburst. "I-,"

    "Is it about that Yamiren shit I read about before? Are you fucking kidding me, is that it?" I interject.

    "Ken, you don't understand what they are capable of. You were five years old." He holds up five fingers and accentuates, "Five." He puts his fingers down, and continues. "To have a level R potential at the age of five. That has only happened twice before. Twice, Ken. And if you actually snuck into your father's office, and read those files at the age of five... You know what happened. You know what that Yamiren did to that young man. And that costed him his and his family's lives. He wasn't even a level R potential at the age of five. If they could've done that much damage at his age, image what they could've done to a five year old." He leans closer to me, not breaking our eye contact. "Yamirens will only lead people to destruction. That could've happened to you, considering your potential."

I shake my head. "I am the only person that can lead myself to destruction. That young man was simply weak minded."

"Ken," he firmly says. "He killed his own family." He sits back and sighs. "Your parents were only taking the needed precautions."

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