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Arc: 7/42 [Continued]

April 7- Day 7C

    "Ha! Are you really willing to let him get killed?" Zarith answers with a smirk.

    "No.... But I'll watch the battle. I want to have a chance to analyze their abilities." I lean on the railings, and keep my eyes locked on the scene and its surroundings.

    "It was about time you got rid of them," the enemy with green hair states as he smirks. "Those level B bastards would have gotten in our way otherwise."

    "Tch. Do you not care about your fallen comrades?" Stylus shifts his body in order to get in a more defensive stance.

    Suddenly, the group begins to laugh. "Care?" the man with the yellow hair states.

    "Wasn't it obvious that they were useless, huh? You made that quite evident." The guy in the orange hair jumps in.

    I look over and notice that the guy with the pink hair wasn't laughing at all. He seemed more tired and annoyed, if anything.

    "Will you lot shut the hell up," he suddenly says. "Get rid of him already, I'm tired."

    "Hmph." The guy with the green lifts up his hand. "Alright then," he says with a smirk.

    As he lifts his hand, a cloud filled with green air rushes towards Stylus. I look over at him, and with a clear view, I begin to analyze his ability.

    "Poison," I whisper. "By secreting large amounts of green mist from his hand, he is able to disable his opponent from a) having a clear vision and b) having accuracy. If given a high dosage, he could render the person unconscious."

    "Ah, then this is quite problematic for Stylus." Zarith smirks as he looks over at me.

    "Well, it all depends on his timing." I pause for a couple of seconds, continuing to analyze the scene. "His water controlling skills can capture the gas. Though, if he allows himself to inhale that poison, his accuracy will be diminished greatly. His water requires accuracy in order to successfully hit his opponents. That's what he has been relying on this whole time."

    Stylus does as I mention. He lifts his hands up, and allows his water to swiftly capture the gas. He then projects it towards the pink haired enemy, though he swiftly moves out of the way, landing on the enemy with the yellow hair.

    Stylus smirks until he realizes that his enemy seems unaffected. The guy in yellow quickly gets up as he attempts to laugh, with only muffles being heard.

    I whisper, "So that what his ability is..." I sigh. "The guy with the orange hair, his ability allows him to create a tape like substance using his fingers. All he needs to do is point them to wear he wants to target, and if he wants to, he could even use it as a mask.... as he did for his friend in the yellow."

    "Well, I guess it's my turn to attack," the guy in yellow says as his tape gets removed. "Restrain him."

    Assuming he was talking to the guy in orange, he quickly extends his fingers, aiming towards Stylus.

    "So he's gonna try to tie him with that tape?" I whisper.

    Stylus allows his water to transform into ice as he leaps back and cuts the following tape. Though, as he cuts it, the guy in yellow snaps his fingers with a bright flash soon following after.

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