Chapter 84

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I almost predicted a restless night full of tossing and turning ahead of me but much to my surprise, I somehow managed to sleep through the entire night and felt more than well rested as I woke up to the sleeping beauty still wrapped comfortably within my sheets.

The bedroom remained still with darkness and I allowed myself to melt into the warm heat that radiated from her small frame.

"I wished for you Austin. Please come back to me."

My eyes blinked open to the goddess of a woman that laid peacefully next to me, my arm slung around her naked waist as we laid facing each other. Her words echoed in my head steadily on repeat, as I rubbed the thick sleep from my eyes. I admired the peculiar features on her angelic resting face, the combination of her soft breaths and her calm expression giving her a certain sense of vulnerability.

I studied her bare face carefully, hoping and praying that I could give what I had seen last night some sort- hell, any sort of context.

Was it a hallucination? Or I was just dreaming again?

No, it felt much too real to just be a dream. Plus I hadn't even begun to fall asleep when I was thrown into the alternate reality that left me in complete and utter disorientation.

The only probable explanation left was that it was a memory.

But that was the thing. It didn't make sense. Just overnight, nothing seemed to make any sense. Just hours ago, I didn't have a care in the world and as much as I wanted my memories back, things were going pretty well for my present self. But between my 'flashback' and the hushed words muttered from Lena's lips, I was now at a loss for words and in an shaken state of confusion. I laid there completely still, staring at the woman I was head over heels infatuated with, suddenly questioning what was real and what was just a figment of my imagination.

If Lena and I had been involved in any way, whether it was physically or romantically, or even both, she would have told me, right? I mean this woman was anxious as all hell for me to remember her, so she would have made it clear as day if we were already sleeping together, I'm sure of it.

Now that I think about it, I wasn't even in my right mind after the hell of a climax we experienced together. I must have just imagined the entire scenario because there is no way I would have simply forgotten the fact the I had already made love to the goddess laying beside me.

Fuck my head was in absolute bewilderment and I nearly felt myself going mental as the aftermath of my accident began to overwhelmingly haunt me.

But what if it was a memory? What did that mean for us? Why didn't she tell me? How could she manage to keep this from me? Or was I just losing my fucking mind and having trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality?

"I know I'm cute rockstar but it isn't nice to stare at a girl while she's sleeping." Lena mumbled, her closed eyes slowing fluttering open to lock with mine as a sly little smirk danced at her plump lips.

"I can't help it, you're the epitome of beauty Lee." I shot back quickly, shaking my head from my overly distorted thoughts. I managed a smile, not wanting her to think anything was wrong after our unforgettable night of passion.

I knew should have asked her about what I saw when I closed my eyes last night, but I didn't want her to think I was completely delusional and having these inappropriate detailed sex fantasies about her.

"Thank you handsome. It's not so bad waking up to you either." She rolled her eyes upwards as she shrugged her shoulders with a playful motion.

"Even with this face full of tattoos?" I mocked my own words, remembering when she visited me in the hospital the day before I was discharged home.

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