Chapter 42

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Austin POV

"I don't want to keep this a secret anymore."

I felt her warm lips pressed against my forehead and her fingers gently run through my hair.

"I wish I could tell the world that you're mine." She whispered before relaxing into the bed and letting herself finally drift off.

Lena's words were like an intense breath of fresh air filling into my empty lungs. Like a heavy set of weights lifted effortlessly off of my shoulders.

I was almost in pure disbelief of what I was hearing and in that moment, I knew we were almost at the next step towards an actual relationship.

We were so close, I could almost taste the beautiful future I was going to create with the incredible woman that was wrapped tightly in my arms.

However, though I was dwelling in a sea of happiness, I knew for certain she thought I had fallen asleep and couldn't hear her unexpected confession. So I internally soaked in her words to myself and fell asleep with a blissful smile on my face.

We were taking things at her pace and I knew I couldn't rush her until she was completely ready. But her words assured me that we weren't going to have to hide for much longer.

A few short hours went by before I groggily woke up in the middle of the night, the still darkness of the room catching me off guard as I was almost expecting daylight.

I was now facing the door of the bedroom while Lena laid behind me, her arm almost weightless as it wrapped around my torso.

I carefully moved it off of me, trying my best not to wake her, giving her hand a small kiss before I gently placed it down onto the bed before I slipped out of the sheets.

She began to slowly stir at the loss of contact, but quickly calmed down as I placed my hand onto her back, softly rubbing in back and forth motions to relax her. Once she seemed as if she was still fast asleep, I finally tiptoed to the bathroom to take a piss.

I was finishing up washing my hands when I heard her soft sleepy voice echoing from the bedroom.


I walked back through the connecting door to see her laying in the middle of the bed with the covers up to her chin as her tired eyes scanned the room, looking for me.

Her expression relaxed when I came into her view and  began to make my way back towards the comfort of the bed. I was anxious for the warmth of her body against mine, and I could tell she was feeling the same way.

Her small frame immediately cozied up to mine once I pulled the covers over us.

"Hi angel." I whispered as I pushed her wild bedhead waves out of her face.

"Hi baby." Her voice was still thick with sleep and I couldn't help but chuckle at the grumpy look on her sweet face.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked as she tilted her head up to lock her eyes with my own.

"Yes. I dreamt that stupid demon from the movie was chasing me and when I woke up you weren't there, which freaked me out even more." She chuckled before she nuzzled her face into my neck, lightly nipping my skin with her teeth.

"I'm sorry baby girl. You forgive me?" I whispered, causing her to pick her head up, giving me the most adorable smile as she rolled her eyes.

"I guess." She sarcastically shrugged her shoulders.

"Kiss me." I said, causing her to cup my cheek with her hand, her naked body pressed against mine.

I ran my fingertips along the delicate arch of her back, her body instinctively reacting to my touch with ease.

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