Chapter 89

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I turned my back towards Natalie, the sound of her hushed sobs beginning to fade as she sniffled quietly behind me at the kitchen island. I swallowed the pained lump that sat heavily in the base of my throat, my insides swarming with guilt as I hated to be the reason for anyone to cry.

But I was tired. Tired of hearing anyone and everyone bad mouth the one good thing in my life. I had to stand up for my girl and our relationship and that was something I wasn't going to feel guilty for. As much as I didn't want to be the source of Natalie's heartbreak, fighting for Lena was the only thing that mattered. And the angel I now called my own was the only one whose heart I needed to protect.

I finished plating the burrito on the plate and turned around to face Natalie as I picked up the pot to pour a cup of coffee.

Her eyes slanted to my reddened knuckles as I winced just barely as I picked up the coffee pot.

"Austin, your hand. What happened?" She muttered through her cracked voice, her eyes widening the longer she held her gaze.

"Chris and I had a little altercation this morning. I found out he was the one that told the media I was drinking and driving before my accident." I gritted through my teeth, wanting anything but to relive the fact that I ever trusted that bastard with my career for even a second.

"What? Why the fuck would he do that?" She raised her brow with a frown, genuinely confused at his unexpected betrayal.

"Why do you think?" I chuckled sarcastically under my breath, stirring a spoonful of sugar into Lena's coffee before I poured in a splash of cream.

"I also found out he's been trying his damn hardest to fuck my girlfriend ever since the moment he met her." I finished with a growl, the vexed outrage filling my boiling veins once again.

Natalie let out a muffled laugh, as if a disgusted realization had suddenly come over her.

"Of course he was. Everyone Lena meets wants to sleep with her, don't they?"

I shot her a warned look as if she should tread extremely lightly with the next words to leave her mouth, her now tight lipped expression translating that she was going to stop in her tracks before she was the next team member to make the blacklist.

"I'm- I'm sorry." She choked out a poor excuse for an apology, as if it took her all of her might to mutter the two words from her lips.

"This- this is just hard for me. I've tried to always look my best for you, to always be perfect in your eyes. I've put so much effort to get you to even take a second look at me, and I've failed every single day for as long as I've worked for you. I've seen you bring around girl after girl and it gave me some sort of hope that it never seemed to last very long with any of them and it made me think that I still had a chance with you. But then Lena came along and she's just so- pretty. She didn't even have to try to get your attention. You just worship the freaking ground she walks on without thinking twice. The way you look at her, I- I just wanted you to look at me like that. You lost your entire memory of her and you still look at her like she's the most beautiful girl in the world."

She hung her head downwards, almost dragging an ounce of pity out of my mouth as I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Natalie." I let out a lengthy sigh, unsure how to handle the situation as I plated the breakfast burrito along with fresh fruit across a serving tray.

Her eyes glazed over the spread that I had made for Lena as I picked it up to finally bring it upstairs to her.

"You really love her, don't you?" Her eyes were sunken with sorrow as she stared at me with a blank expression.

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