Chapter 17

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After a long day by the pool and out laying in the sun, I took a lengthy much needed shower. As I washed my hair and my body, I couldn't help my thoughts from going to Austin.

What else is new?

I mean what was that look in his eyes while he was looking at Smitty and Vanessa? There was no way Austin was looking for something more than whatever it was that we had.

He very clearly wanted me only in a sexual way.

Oh really Lena? Then why did he hold your hand? Twice.

The first time I could justify that he was only being nice because he was trying to ease my mind on the flight.

But what about today? And why did I like it?

I tried to shake off my thoughts of insanity as I let the shampoo wash out of my hair.

It was nothing. And I needed to stop myself from overthinking his obviously meaningless gestures.

I reached for the handle, turned the shower off and dried my body. I left my dark locks to air dry as I got dressed in a black band tee shirt and ripped jeans.

I headed down the stairs, passing by the kitchen only to hear everyone arguing over what to eat for dinner.

Adam and Jeremy were dead set on pizza while Jay and Chris wanted Chinese. Natalie kept complaining about everyone ordering unhealthy food and she insisted on a local super food restaurant. Smitty and Vanessa wanted burgers and Austin was sitting by himself in the living room, minding his own business as he strayed away from the crowd.

I glanced at the chaos from the staircase and decided not to get myself involved.

I walked into the living room, Austin's eyes double taking as I came into sight.

"Hey." I said shyly.

How this man still made me nervous was beyond me. He had already felt up most of my intimate body parts and here I was, getting butterflies from the way he looked at me.

"Hey." He said, gesturing for me to sit down next to him.

"Wow, everyone can't seem to make up their mind huh?" I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Yeah I wasn't gonna deal with that shit. I already ordered food for me and you." Austin smiled, as he waited for my reaction.

"Seriously? You're the best because I'm starving." I exclaimed as I absentmindedly threw my arms around his neck, embracing him into a hug. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arm tightly around my waist.

As I realized how close we were, I quickly pulled away, letting go of him and breaking the close contact between us. I instinctively turned around looking back to the kitchen. But thankfully everyone was much to busy arguing with one another to notice.

Wow Lena. You can't keep your hands off him for two seconds and everyone's just a few feet away?

Austin chuckled to himself. "I'm telling you Lena, you're gonna be the one to get us caught." He leaned back into the couch and placed his feet up on the coffee table.

I jokingly pushed his arm, earning an even wider grin from him.

"You're the one that keeps salivating over me in front of the entire team." I whispered. "And sexting me very very naughty things while we were with them." I gave him a stern look.

Austin's smile radiated the entire room "I can't help it, look at you. You're sexy without even trying."

"Thank you." My skin suddenly became hot from his compliment.

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